A Stolen Moment

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Check for Camilo won the vote!

You did not have the time to think. You either had to make a run for him now, or you would lose the window of opportunity.

As you watched the flame grow smaller in the distance, the sound of their footsteps faded out with it. You lunged forward, locking in your decision. You could not go back now.

You began running towards the wagon as fast as you could, stumbling over stray rocks.

"Camilo?" You panted as you approached the wagon, frantically setting your hands atop the edge.

You watched Camilo's head reluctantly jerk up.


You went on the tips of your toes, reaching in and forward for him.

"Camilo," you said in a panicked relief. "You're awake!"

"Yeah, I haven't been for long," he replied.

"Come on, sit up," you said as you held a grip on his shoulder, aiding him in sitting up and getting stabilized.

"Let's get these off," you said with a nervous chuckle as you reached for his blindfold, pulling it off his head. He blinked as his eyes got used to seeing their surroundings again.

Your heart ached at the sight of his hidden eyes. It was just finally beginning to set in what was happening to the two of you.

You zoned out for a split second, looking at his face as best you could with the darkness that surrounded you.

"Uh, hey, Y/N?" Camilo gestured to the bindings that held together his wrists and ankles.

"Oh yeah, of course," you said, shaking your head and quickly reaching over for the ties on his wrist.

Although, you didn't quite get to finish getting them off. Or start.

You and Camilo both froze in place as you heard the nearing sound of the pattering of footsteps and spotted the soft glow of a torch.

You both turned to look at each other, trying to find a quick answer of what to do in one another's eyes.

You made the decision on a whim to get Camilo to shimmy his way over the edge of the wagon in his binds. He made his way over the edge as you helped him to the ground, grabbing his shoulders as you lead him over to a near and full bush, hoping to hide.

As you stepped into the bush, you soon realized it was a steep - but small drop, just not quite soon enough. You slipped down the slope into the bushes, accidentally bringing Camilo down with you. The two of you froze, not even breathing. 

That must have made some noise.

You heard the footsteps begin quickening their pace, making their way over in a hurry.

You heard them reach the wagon, then stop. There was zero talking, only the silence and random stop and start-up of footsteps. You and Camilo stayed low to the ground at the bottom of the small slope, sheltered from view by the bushes.

After a - what seemed like years - grisly 5 minutes, you heard the two kidnappers get back into the drivers seat of the wagon, the clop of the horses hooves moving onward. They turned back around, heading in the opposite direction of where they came from.

When they were out of earshot, you and Camilo took a long and strained breath.

You looked at each other, Camilo suddenly beginning to chuckle.

You shook your head at him, starting to chuckle as well. How else were you supposed to cope with the situation at hand?

"Mind getting these, now?" Camilo said as he gestured towards the ropes once again.

You nodded your head as you reached over to him, pulling the knife you had took from Benjamín's bags out of your pantaloons.

Camilo's eyes slightly widened at the sight of it, raising an eyebrow.

"Where'd you happen to get this?" He asked in amusement.

"From hell," you replied jokingly as you began to saw through the ties with the knife.

Camilo let out a short chuckle, followed by a sigh. 

"Yeah. Yeah, I can imagine."

You finished sawing through the binds, retreating back from Camilo to set the knife back into your waistband. Camilo stretched his legs out and shook his wrists.

There was a moment of silence as the two of you resided in each others presence once more, before you leaped towards him and pulled him into a tight embrace, slinging your arms around his shoulders.

"I missed you," you whispered to him, holding back a sudden wave of tears that built up inside of you as you felt his touch.

"I missed you too," he gently responded, putting an arm around your waist and one resting on the back of your head.

You held the moment in each others embrace, just as much as you wanted to hold the moment of your kiss on the night that you left.

The one thing that broke the moment was the sound of your stomach.

"Hungry?" Camilo asked with concern.

"A bit," you replied.

"It must be the middle of the night," Camilo began. "What do you think we should do for the night - stay and camp outside, or get up in search of somewhere? Like a building?"

"Yeah, you're right," you said in response to his first point. "I'm not sure. Staying outside makes us susceptible to all kinds of things - bugs, wild animals, and even the kidnappers... But on the other hand, it's pitch black, and we don't know where we are. We need to rest, and we might spend all night looking for a place if we do that."

What should we do?

Camp for the night

Search for shelter

Make You Smile (Camilo Madrigal x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now