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He shot his head back up, his tight curls bouncing as the soft wind ran through them. "What do you need me to do?" He said, leaning forward. "I'm all ears."

"A real break-in mission, this time?" Camilo asked, biting back a smile. 

You eyed his facial expression. "What?" You asked, wondering what was funny about your plan.

"Nothing," he assured. "I just never knew you had the guts."

"Okay, now I know you're just trying to get a rise out of me," you replied, accompanied by an eye roll.

He chuckled. "Maybe."

"Hm," you couldn't help but let a soft grin paint your face. 

Camilo sat up, inclining himself towards the outside. "Well, what are we waiting for?" 

You closed your eyes, taking a deep breath in. "Actually, there is something I need to grab first."

You just had to know. Whether or not you wanted to, now that was a different story, but you knew you had to. And, the only way to find out was to... test it out.

"Wait here," you instructed. Camilo nodded and watched as you moved towards your bedroom door, softly shutting it behind you and making your way downstairs.

You made it to the kitchen table, darting your eyes around the room until it fell on the coat rack.

There it is.

You crept your way over to the coat rack, slinking your hand into your mothers bag. You heard the clinking of various objects mingling, feeling around until your fingertips fell on a jagged, cold piece of metal.

You took your hand out of the bag, a key attached. One that you could now confirm was not your house, or the inn key.

You carefully made your way out the front door, walking around to the side of the house in the direction of your bedroom window. You saw Camilo, patiently waiting as he leaned on the frame. You picked up a stray pebble and chucked it at him.

His eyes quickly fell to you, suppressing a laugh as he began to make his way down the lattice.

"Shall we?"


You weren't sure how, or why you had been in many recent situations with Camilo involving windows, but it was what it was. That's what you thought, at least, as you found yourself stood in front of the high-ish, inn window, Camilo by your side.

He leaned over to you, lowering his voice into a whisper. "How exactly are we going to get up there?"

"Just shapeshift a little taller," you said nonchalantly, "hoist me up!"

Camilo grit his teeth together. "I'm no Luisa, but I can try?" He lowered himself to the ground, inviting you to give it a shot.

You brought yourself onto his back, trying to balance as you made your way up to his shoulders. 

"Try not to drop me, okay?" You joked, nervousness seeping through your words.

"No promises," Camilo replied in a half-joke. You felt yourself jump a few inches higher as Camilo shifted with you on his shoulders.

"Can you reach anything?" He asked, attempting to keep his balance as you moved.

You fumbled for anything you could grip onto. You were so close to the window ledge. 

"Maybe just a bit higher?" You suggested. As you felt yourself get bumped higher, you also began to feel yourself falling forward. It was like slow motion. 

You threw your hands out in front of you, latching onto a protruding brick from out of the inn wall as you felt the support of Camilo disappear from underneath you.

"Dios mío, are you okay?" You heard Camilo fumble for the words under his breath. You looked down to see him already immediately under you, his arms out and ready to catch you.

"Yeah, I think I got it," you assured him as you struggled to keep your grip, reaching over to the window ledge. 

You, to your surprise, made it. You held a tight grip as you pulled yourself up, taking a moment as Camilo silently cheered you on.

You leaned over as much as you could while still holding a solid grip on the foundation, extending your hand out towards Camilo. He backed up to give himself a running start, shifting to a taller man in the air as he took hold of your hand, pulling him up beside you. You both took another moment to breathe.

"This better be the right room," Camilo said through uneven breaths. You both broke out into soft laughter.

"We're about to find out," you replied, getting closer to the window. With a light push, the window coverings slowly crept open. You both sighed in sudden relief.

"Over there," you pointed, showing Camilo to the dresser as you carefully made your way inside.

Camilo kneeled beside the dresser, making room for you to do what you needed.

"Hopefully it hasn't been popped fully back in," you stated, brushing your fingers against the floorboard. Camilo's face focused, craning his neck and inclining himself forward.

The wood silently shifted as your fingers gently lifted it open, revealing the tin lockbox once again. His eye's widened.

"What's inside?" Camilo asked as he extended his hand towards it, gliding his fingers over the lock.

You reached your hand into the pocket of your skirt. "Don't know yet," you said, "but I'm thinking we're about to find out."

You pulled out the rustic-like key and held it up between your eyes. Camilo lightly jumped back.

"Where did you get it?" He asked, cocking his head to the side.

"Remember, the key?" You watched as Camilo's expression showed his journey of realization at your words. The realization of why you were so suspicious of your mother.

He didn't say anything, but gave you a reassuring nod. That was enough.

You heard the scraping of metal-on-metal as the key reached the lock.

It fit.

Your heartbeat vanished. You were stunned.

You felt the gentle touch of a hand to your shoulder as you looked up to see Camilo, who was giving a pitiful stare.

"Do you want me to do it?" He asked in a warm tone. You gave a simple nod, without verbally saying anything. You couldn't. You felt his hand swiftly and gently brush up against your cheek as he took the lockbox from your hands. 

As you heard the click of a fitting key turning in its lock, you closed your eyes, your mind flooding.


Make You Smile (Camilo Madrigal x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now