Wrists Bound

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RECAP: Since it's been awhile, here's a quick recap of what happened if you need it:
Soon after you and Camilo found each other in the woods, you were captured by an unfamiliar group who took you and Camilo hostage. You soon found out that your mother was involved in this group that kidnapped the two of you, and was bringing you somewhere unknown. It was then revealed that she was taking you to your father, for unknown reasons. The men are now forcefully taking you and Camilo inside this decrepit and abandoned building that your father is in.

"Let go of me!" You cried your words as you thrashed in the unknown arms of these men who worked for your cantankerous father.

"Let me go! Let him go!" You attempted to flail your way over to Camilo, who was also struggling, yet it was to no avail. They forcefully pulled you up to the door of the abandoned building, shoving you inside.

The house was bigger than it looked from the outside. There were multiple doors leading to different rooms, though you were too preoccupied by the grip on your arms that you couldn't tell how many.

Inside the main room from the first entrance were two joint, jail-like cells placed next to each other, separated by more bars down the middle.

How did he manage this?

You were thrown to the cold ground inside the cell, your tied wrists being the first impact. A sharp and stinging jolt washed through you like electricity, leaving you breathless from the pain. You toppled over into fetal position, your mouth gaping open, no sounds escaping past your throat. You heard the uncomfortable screeching from the cell door as it slammed shut.

"Y/N, are you okay?" You could make out Camilo's concerned voice from behind you, inching his way closer to the bars that separated the two of you. Your body was seized - you couldn't turn around. "Y/N-"

Camilo was cut off by a loud clang on the bars, followed by a grunting yell from Camilo. You heard him fall over onto the ground.

"Stay back," an unfamiliar voice commanded.

You heard the footsteps of the men that pulled you in recede to outside the front door, most likely to patrol and consult with the others.

You still couldn't move.

Almost immediately, the sound of a door from inside the building could be heard opening, more footsteps bounding closer to you.

A flimsy plate with food that was unrecognizable was slid towards you underneath the bars, right in front of your face that was planted on the ground.

"Eat up," you heard a cold voice say, before presumably going over to Camilo's cell and walking back through the door once again.

There was a painful silence in the room. Literally.

Your wrists felt bulging, and you could feel Camilo's pain, too, although you hadn't turned around to see. You couldn't. The pain in your body would be horrific.

"Y/N..." Camilo said weakly, his voice slightly muffled. "Y/N, what happened?"

You tried hard to find the strength to speak. The words barely slipped through your vocal cords.

"Hurts," you said dryly and feebly. "So... bad..."

"It's okay, don't speak. Can you turn over so I can see?" You heard Camilo inching his way over to you once again.

With struggle, you took a deep breath and held it as you rolled over onto your back, suppressing the aching screams that you so badly wanted to release.

"It's okay, it's okay, stay there," Camilo assured. He came closer to the bars, his hand over the lower part of his face. As he leaned into the bars to take a closer look, he took his hand away from his face.

The gash on his nose could not go unnoticed. It was dripping with blood, already beginning to swell. Instinctively, you tried to reach your hands up to touch his face.

Bad idea.

Your breath was as sharp as the pain you felt. Once again, an agonizing scream began boiling in your throat, desperately wanting to come out.

"Y/N, don't move, I promise I'm okay," he said with a high level of concern in his voice. "This is going to sound like- well, no, it will be like hell."

Your eyes darted towards him with anxiety, your head not moving.

"I'm... I'm gonna need to get those binds off of your wrists."

You silently shook your head, even though you knew he was right.

"I'll do the best that I can to reach you, but you'll have to move closer to me."

You closed your eyes, knowing it was what you had to do.

"Hey," Camilo said, suddenly soft. "You can do this. I..." Camilo hesitated, but only for a short moment.

"I love you, and you're strong."

You felt a pang of warmth and sadness at the same time. You wish you could say it back to him, but the pain was too unreal. Instead, there was complete silence as you prepared yourself to move. 

You hoped he knew you loved him back.

You sucked in another breath, pushing yourself over to the bars using the strength of your legs. If you kept your wrists completely still on your stomach, then it didn't hurt as much when you moved. You tried to keep them as still as possible as you made your way closer to the separating bars.

"There, there I can reach you now," Camilo said with a sense of urgency. 

He stuck his arms and tied wrists through the openings and untied you as gently as he could. It didn't matter, though, as every little movement made you wince. 

The bounds coming off and the feeling of your wrists loosening was painful, but after a few moments, felt life saving. 

"Thank you," you muttered through uneven breaths.

"They look pretty bad," he said, his eyes narrowing. "You should eat."

Camilo talked as if this was everyday life. No "where are we", or "what are we doing here". He was in clear survival mode. There were no time for questions. Not yet, at least.

A door opened from within the building once again, two men walking through, straight to Camilo's cell. They opened it, one of the men standing in the entrance.

"Hm, he's already bleeding," one of the men said, kneeling down holding a glass up to Camilo's wound. Camilo pulled back.

"Not enough," the other man said.

As he said this, the man standing in front of Camilo got up to his feet, handed the glass to the man behind him, and in the blink of an eye had a baton back to Camilo's nose.

You screamed, a mixture of terror and physical pain as you jumped forward at the look of Camilo getting hurt.

The man knelt down once more, holding the glass back up to Camilo's freshly bloodied nose.

"That'll do."

A/N: HEY EVERYONE! So good to be back. For those who weren't keeping up with my posts on conversations, I had to go on a mini hiatus to finish some big projects for school. Those are finally over with, and I'm so glad I have the time to write again. I would never abandon this story! I promise that there will be an ending, and I won't just ditch this far in. Thank you all for sticking around and being so patient as I got sorted. Welcome back to my chapters!

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