Decisions, Decisions...

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Dark brown curls, restricted by a blindfold. Hands bound through a yellow ruana. It was Camilo.

(A/N: You're going to want to stick around to the end for this one! This chapter needs you...)

Camilo's POV

Camilo didn't have the strength to feel panicked. In fact, he didn't have the strength to process what was going on in the first place. 

Though he felt his mind waking up, he could not see. All that was any indication to him that he was alive was the muffled sounds of squeaky wheels rolling through ground they were not made for, and unintelligible voices growing louder and clearer.

The wood underneath him creaked as he shifted slightly, furrowing his brows as he came to consciousness. 

His head felt full, full of cotton. Even his thoughts were groggy. 

"What?" He barely managed to utter, sounding more like a quick exhale.

His surrounding sounds grew clearer.

"Why does he need this kid, again?" An unfamiliar male voice rung out, directly in front of him.

He heard the quiet scoff of a secondary person.

Camilo went still. With those words, he finally snapped back into it.

He finally realized the situation.

Mirabel is definitely going to kill me, he thought to himself, attempting to dispel the horrifying thoughts of what could be potentially happening to him. He couldn't be scared. He needed to be of sound mind.

The solution was simple, to shapeshift into a smaller form to get out of the ties. It was going to go off without a hitch.

He focused, finding that he was pushing more than normal.

He tried again, still only pushing with no results.

He tried again.

Aha! Yes!, he exclaimed to himself as he felt himself change. This excitement soon fell as he realized it was not what he was needing. He only very mildly shifted, barely loosening the bindings.

Am I losing my power? What about the others?

That was the only option he could think of in an instant to get out of this, one that was sure to work without anyone noticing - so long as there was nobody close to him and the two that he heard were hopefully facing away.

What else was there to do?


Your heart had been gripped, piercing through your chest and was torn to shreds. Not because of a sad tale of heartbreak - instead, fear.

You fought and tangled with your inner instincts, wanting nothing more but to hurl yourself towards the wagon that pulled Camilo in order to get him out of there. You knew that would never work. More harm than good would come from a move like that, potentially getting you captured again alongside him, and that would be of assistance to nobody.

So, you fought your urges. Pushed your overwhelming desires to the back of your mind.


As composed as you could, you began following behind. Close enough where you could continue to see the flickering of the fire, but far enough away that you were out of earshot.

As you continued on, you noticed the marks on the trees beginning to fade. You paused for short moments in order to remember which way you had come from, but after around ten minutes of continuing to stray from your original path, you realized it grew more unclear with each step you took, each tree you passed. 

You didn't have a clue where following this wagon was going to take you. On the other hand, it was still a gamble following the marks, as it was not a 100% chance that it was going to take you back to Encanto.

You had a decision to make, and you had to make it fast.

What will it be? Will you follow Camilo's unconscious body, along with his kidnappers to an unknown location? Or will you go back to following the marks on the trees in the coming pitch black darkness, unsure of how far they lead?

(CHOOSE YOUR OWN ADVENTURE! Comment for which one you choose. Majority wins!)

Follow Camilo

Follow the marks

Make You Smile (Camilo Madrigal x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now