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"Alright, alright, I'm coming!" You continued on and dove between the two, placing them both in a light headlock, ruffling their hair.

You paced in your room, your head swimming with regret for leaving without investigating. Today was the last day you had the keys, before giving them back to Benjamín on your way out.

You lightly hit your head with the inner part of your wrist, squinting your eyes shut.

How could I be so dumb?

Although it was pretty much impossible to investigate earlier without Gabriel seeing, you still felt like you should have done more. 

Even if you could get the keys one more time, how were you going to have enough time to investigate? What if you needed to leave and reenter? The "I forgot something" tactic wasn't going to work forever.

You could maybe use it once or twice, but you still had to wait for morning until you could try. There was no way Benjamín was running the inn at this hour, and who knows what could change overnight? What if the floorboard was patched by the time you were able to get in there?

You continued to paced back and forth, the sound of the wood creaking underneath your every step.


You stopped in place, your head springing up. The sound of the clock reminded you it was time to go to the bridge.

I'll tell them everything I saw once I get there, you thought. We can come up with a plan tonight.

Just as you were ready and at your bedroom door, your hand covering the cold handle, you heard the cracking of wood accompanied by the rustling of leaves outside your bedroom window.

You froze.

An animal?

That was your only explanation for a sound so alive at this time of night. You slowly turned around to face that side of the room, making your way over. 

The noise grew louder and closer with every step you took. You looked at the opened bottom of your wooden window coverings, narrowing your eyes to see if there was anything that was visible.

You held back a shriek as you saw fingers sliding underneath the covering, latching onto your window sill.

You panicked. Was someone trying to break in? Should you go wake up your mother?


Behind those lanky fingers that wriggled underneath the chipped, wooden coverings, you were able to spot a head.

A head with bouncing, tight, dark brown curls.

"Wanna let me in, sinsonte?"

You let out a shaky breath of sudden relief.

"Camilo..." Pumped up on the release of adrenaline, you weren't sure what to say. "W-... what?"

"I'm kind of holding on for dear life out here," he whispered through a chuckle, lowering his head so he could see through to you.

You quickly grounded yourself and rushed over to raise the latch that kept the coverings shut. You took Camilo's hand, assisting him off of the lattice and into your room. He touched the ground with a soft thud and hoisted himself back up to sit on your window sill.

"Alright," you said, finally taking in the moment. "Want to tell me what you're doing here?" You took a few steps back to sit on your bed.

"Just visiting," he replied with a shrug. He noticed your puzzled expression and grinned.

Make You Smile (Camilo Madrigal x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now