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As you inched the window coverings open, you noticed a figure standing above the popped out floorboard. Your vision focused. "Mom?"

"Camilo, I swear," you accused in disbelief, wondering if this was the same scenario as earlier.

There was an uneasy tension as the two of you froze in place.

"Say something!" You demanded as you began to walk closer.

"Mija, what are you doing here?" The voice was your mothers. To your relief, but also adding to your fear, it was not Camilo this time.

"I could ask the same to you, mamá."

 Your mother stood frozen once again at your words, not uttering a single sound other than her uneven breaths.

That was when you noticed a folded paper, tightly clutched in her fist. You looked back up at her, then back down at the paper. 

Within in instant, you flew as fast as the lightning outside hit the ground, snatching the paper from her hand.

She reached out in an attempt to grab it back, but it was too late. You had already opened it.

A map?

"Má, what is this?" You turned the page around in different aspects, trying to make sense of it. C.M was written at the bottom.

Your first thought was Camilo. Your face scrunched as you tried to link Camilo and a map together. 

Until it clicked.

Casa Madrigal.

"Is this a... map of their casa?

Your mother sighed.

"Why won't you say anything!?" Your voice boomed as your patience grew tested.

"Y/N, just let me explain," she said in a calm tone.

"That's what I've been trying to make you do the entire time I've been standing here," you spat out your words. "So please. Go on."

Your mother grabbed a stool from beside the dresser and sat down. You scoffed.

"I was here to make sure I didn't lose the key, but now I know where it went," she said as she gestured to you.

She took in a long breath before continuing. "I thought, maybe this could bring our family back together," she said as she held her head in her hands. "I just need to finish this, mija, and I need your help."

You leaned back against the wall as you raised an eyebrow, the haunting chill in the air sending an icy shiver crawling inside your skin. You didn't like this at all.

"With what, má?" You asked tentatively.

She straightened her posture, resting her hands on her lap.

"We came here for a reason, Y/N," your mother said with confession.

"Yeah, to get away from papá," you said as if stating the obvious.

Your mother shook her head in guilt.

"No, Y/N, no."

The hairs on your arm stood up. What did she mean?

"Lo juro por Dios (I swear to god), mamá, just spit it out!" You had enough with her stalling. You couldn't take the suspension any longer.

Your mother looked up at you, finally looking you in the eyes.

"I was sent here with a mission, mija," she fully confessed. "Your father told me all about the Encanto, how he had a man on the inside."

Man on the inside?

Make You Smile (Camilo Madrigal x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now