Tucked In

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Out of this messy bundle of thoughts flooding through your head, you somehow made a plan. One that was sure to work, so long as you didn't screw it up. You were getting out of here, no matter what it took.

Camilo's POV

"Camilo, are you crazy?" Mirabel exclaimed in a hushed manner as she and Camilo made their way into the nursery.

"I guess I am," Camilo replied, not an ounce of satire in his tone, shutting the door behind him.

Mirabel looked at him, dumbfounded. She hurried over to Gabriel, who was sitting cross-legged on her bed. She reached out to cover his ears.

"So let me get this straight...You're really going to go look for a potentially kidnapped Y/N? You can't be serious right now," she said through a scoff. 

Camilo looked back at his cousin with a straight face, blowing out a sharp breath.

Mirabel scoffed again.

"Well, if you want to get yourself killed, be my guest," she hissed, taking her cupped hands off of Gabriel's ears.

"Really, Mirabel?" Camilo said with a roll of his eyes. "You're such a hypocrite."

Mirabel was visibly startled at his statement, wrinkling her eyebrows as a fire crept into her glare.

"Me? What does this have to do with me?" She put up her defenses quick, as if it was all she ever had to do.

"You're always running off! Creeping into Bruno's deadly tower, messing with things you shouldn't, like you always have something to prove!" Camilo didn't realize his volume had shifted to a shout until after he finished his sentence.

Mirabel jumped back, her fiery glare flattening.

Camilo lifted a hand to his pounding temple.

"I'm sorry, Mira," Camilo exhaled. "I was always worried for you, but I didn't stop you from doing what you needed."

"Camilo, this is different," Mirabel replied worriedly.

"Not to me," he said, pursing his lips inward and lightly shaking his head. "Aren't you worried for..." Camilo hesitated, glancing over at Gabriel. "You know... too?"

Mirabel stood silent, avoiding making direct eye contact with her cousin. 

"Please, just let me do this," he said softly. It was less of a question in his mind, and more of a need of acceptance, but he would still go, with or without Mirabel's blessing.

She closed her eyes and sighed. "Fine," she finally responded. "But on one condition."

A weak grin slid onto Camilo's lips. "What would that be?"

Mirabel crossed her arms, angling her chin up.

"I'm coming with you."


As quietly as you possibly could, you turned yourself back around the way you had before in order to face the wall. You stood up, stepping over your tied wrists, wincing at every sudden creak the floor made.

As you made it around to face the wall, you stopped in place, listening for anything that would be cause for alarm. You wouldn't want Benjamín walking in just yet.

When you heard nothing out of the ordinary, you continued on. You allowed yourself to fully sit down, positioning your feet flat on the wall.

This shouldn't take much, you thought. It's already loose from last time.

You began to push with your feet against the wall, lightly to start.

You could feel the pipe breaking off, watching as it shook under your struggle.

You stopped before it came completely out of the decrepit wood, pulling at it with your wrists to check how loose you had made it.


You stood up with your wrists still bound, stomping as hard as you could to grab the attention of Benjamín.

"Hey, what's going on in there?" Benjamín could be heard faintly calling out from outside.

You stomped again.

"Hey!" His voice rung clearer as the rickety door swung open, causing the surroundings inside to shake.

You froze in place, leaving your back turned to him as you continued to stand facing the wall.

"Y/N, turn around and sit down," Benjamín demanded. "We're not going through this again."

You didn't move.

"Y/N, come on," he continued, almost as if he was beginning to plead.

Still, you didn't move. Not a muscle.

You began to hear his footsteps squeak against the floor, picking up his pace to make his way over to you.

"Y/N, I'm not going to tell you again, sit-"

Benjamín was interrupted by you before he could finish his sentence.

When you felt he was close enough, you used all of your strength to quickly pull at the loosened pipe with your bound hands, breaking it off and swinging it around, hitting him directly on the side of his head.

He fell to the floor with a thud, leaving him unconscious. 

As your adrenaline subsided, another feeling washed over you.

Did I kill him?

You fixed your gaze on him, not blinking as you looked for any sign that he was still alive.

A tense breath was released from you as you saw his chest move ever so slightly, indicating that he was breathing.

Right, you snapped back into reality. I need to get out of here!

You swiftly made your way over to the opened door, the torn pipe dangling from the ropes that kept your wrists together. You stepped out into the light, taking a moment to check your surroundings. You could not recognize a single thing.

As you looked around, you noticed the wagon that Benjamín had used to bring you here. You scurried over to it, struggling as you shuffled through bags that were loaded in there. 

You needed to get out of these ropes.

It didn't take long until you spotted a knife at the bottom of one of the bags. You dove for it, grabbing it and kneeling down as fast as you could. There was no telling when Benjamín would wake up, and you needed to leave before you had time to find out.

You placed the knife handle between your knees as you began sawing the ropes up against the sharpened edge.

The faster you went, the more the knife would move around, and you would have to stop and reposition it.

Stay calm, you kept repeating to yourself. Don't rush.

You stopped for a moment to clear your mind, slowing your sawing pace. The rope began to tear apart.

Just a bit more, you urged to yourself. You're so close.


The ropes finally came undone, gently sliding off your wrists as they fell to the ground along with the pipe.

You let out a sigh of relief as you stood up, tucking the knife into the waistband of your pantaloons.

All that was left was to figure out one thing: 

Where were you?

Make You Smile (Camilo Madrigal x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now