
957 40 22

With a very close score of 9 to 8, camping out wins!

"Maybe we should camp," you said, shuddering at the thought of how unknown the the dark forest is. Who knows when you'd find a place to stay? Your hunger would probably give in and knock you out by then. 

"Yeah, I was thinking that too," Camilo concurred. "Perhaps we should move away from here, though," he said in a fake posh accent.

You chuckled, your heart dancing in relief. You missed how he made you laugh.

"I'm relieved to see you again," you muttered through the end of your chuckle, looking down at the dirt in front of you.

You felt a finger gently press itself against your chin, angling your head up. You stared directly into Camilo's eyes. Well - as best as you could in the shrouding darkness.

"You, relieved to see me?" Camilo emphasized. "You had me worried sick. That's why I'm out here in the first place," he blurted out, the last part on accident. 

You slightly receded from Camilo's touch as he said this. As your brows furrowed, you watched the expression on his face as he realized what he had just done. 

"What do you mean, "that's why I'm out here in the first place?"" You asked the question sounding a little more accusatory than intended, but right now, you didn't care.

"Well- I... uh" Camilo tripped over his words as if he were a baby learning how to speak.

"Camilo," you stated firmly, urging a straightforward response. You would pull it out of him if it came to that.

Camilo let out a heavy sigh, his shoulders dropping with his breath.

"You expect me to not come looking for you? After you could have been kidnapped?" Camilo's defenses began shaping.

"Yes, Camilo! It's dangerous! If it weren't for me seeing you, you would have been a goner! You're telling me you put yourself in that situation?"

"Y/N, I-"

"Camilo, just..." you hesitated, closing your eyes. "How did you even know I was kidnapped?"

"Dolores," he quietly said. "And now you've just confirmed it, so..."

You took a breath in, opening your eyes as you exhaled.

"I'm sorry," you said, fixing your gaze back onto his. "I'm just worried."

Your voice began to shake at the last word, causing you to place your hand over your mouth in an attempt to stop any oncoming tears.

"I'm sorry," you repeated, holding back on the wave trapped behind your eyes. "I feel like all I've done is cry to you."

"Hey, don't apologize," Camilo said tenderly as he shuffled his way next to you, pulling you in to lean on his shoulder. "You've been through a lot."

"So have you," you replied. "I just despise the thought of something happening to you because of me."

There was a moment of silence before Camilo changed his position so that he was sitting directly in front of you.

"Y/N, look at me," he said as a statement, though it still felt like a gentle ask. You moved your eyes up towards him, blinking a few more times than normal in order to rid the tears that obscured your vision.

"Whatever choice I make is mine, okay? Please, Y/N, don't blame yourself for everything."

You averted your gaze from his face to the ground once again, slowly beginning to nod in an understanding.

Make You Smile (Camilo Madrigal x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now