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"Well," she said, her eyes fixing a hard look on the two of you. "We need to go see Bruno."

"Bruno? Tío Bruno?" Camilo asked in disbelief.

"Yes, Camilo. Tío Bruno." Mirabel assured him, a mixed look of pride and sadness falling over her face.

"I don't understand," he replied, trying to process what Mirabel had just told him. You draped your hand gently over his shoulder.

"I'll explain everything, just come with me now," Mirabel said, waving you both over to exit the nursery.

You tentatively stood up alongside Camilo, sneaking over to the door and outside the room. Mirabel began to tread towards Dolores's room, you and Camilo quickly following.

"Bruno never left," Mirabel began to explain, "he's been living in the walls. Patching the cracks."

Camilo's face scrunched, his head jumping back. "Cracks?"

"I know you all thought I was crazy the night of the ceremony," Mirabel asserted, "but I know what I saw. And I was right."

"Are you saying there's more than what you saw, Mira?" You asked, knowing Camilo didn't have the right words to say a single thing. He was stunned.

"Tons," she replied. "I didn't mean to leave you earlier, Y/N, but this is what I was doing," Mirabel said as she stopped in front of a hung up painting on the wall.

She dug her fingers underneath the frame and pulled it open like a door, revealing a man-made way into the narrow, dark innards of Casita.

"What the..." Camilo's gaze swept down the long path until no light reached.

"You want us to go in there?" He stated more than asked.

"Do you want to see your tío?" Mirabel challenged, a hand resting on her hip.

Camilo's face furrowed as he stepped ahead of us and crawled through. Mirabel scoffed as she followed suit, dust flying as she pulled her skirt over the rubble. She held her hand out, helping you through and catching up to Camilo.

"Where do you think you're going?" Mirabel called out to him. "You don't even know your way around in here."

Camilo stopped in place while Mirabel shoved past him, giving him a puzzled glance. He began to pick up his pace again once she was leading.

"Hey?" You caught up next to him, reaching out for his wrist with your hand. As he looked back at you, his dreadful, almost angered expression softened out.

"You okay?" You asked with a hush as to not alarm Mirabel.

Camilo exhaled through half-parted lips, fixing his gaze forward, then looking back at you once more. He shot you a feeble smile as he intertwined his fingers with yours, giving a tight squeeze.

He must be scared.

You couldn't blame him, though. If someone in your 'magical family' had some terrible vision about how it was all going to fall apart and then left for ten years, which was more than half your life, you'd be afraid to face them, too.

You let your tangled fingers remain as such as you continued to follow Mirabel down the decaying insides of the walls.

Camilo reached his free hand out to graze along the patched cracks, his eyebrows raising as he bit the insides of his cheeks.

Soon enough, you were in front of a make-do, rickety wooden door. Camilo slyly let go of your hand as Mirabel turned around to face you.

She gave a silent nod, turning to Camilo. He nodded back, his face stern.

Make You Smile (Camilo Madrigal x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now