Sweet, Sweet Smell

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You managed to call out one more thing before the sound of rainfall had created a complete sound barrier between the two of you. "I love you, too."

The sound of the rushing rain that hit the ground like bullets did not silence as your mother pulled you up the street, away from your chosen family. 

Tears fell down your face as fast as the raindrops did, letting out painful wails that caused your mother to tighten her grip on your arm.

"You do not love that boy, Y/N," she stated, as if she was entitled to that decision. "That was not the way this plan was meant to go."

You felt yourself stiffen, causing your mother to lightly trip as you abruptly stopped in place. She yanked your arm without looking back, setting you in motion once again.

"Oh, I'm so sorry if your perfect mould of a plan didn't work out, that I didn't fit your little narrative of what you expected of me, without me even knowing!" You exclaimed through hurt yells. 

"Why am I even doing this," you began questioning yourself. "I should tell the whole town about you and have you thrown out myself."

"You realize you're apart of this too, right?" Your mother scoffed. "You're my daughter. You're apart of me. Apart of your father."

You pulled your arm out of your mothers grip, stopping in place once again.

"I am nothing like you."

A look of frustration fell over your mothers face as she lunged for her previous grip on your arm, pulling you as aggressive as ever as she forced your way to the edge of the village.

She stopped near the outskirts of Encanto, next to the tall trees that shielded the town from outsiders. She kept her tight, boney fingers clawed into your arm.

"What are we waiting for, má? You've already destroyed everything, there's no changing your mind now," you spat. Your mother slowly turned around to face you, beginning to loosen her grip on you.

There was a few moments of silence before she had entirely and completely let go of your arm.

"I love you," she said. You barely had time to react until you saw nothing but complete darkness, the feel of fabric itching your face as it grew tighter and tighter.

"Wha-" you hadn't had enough time to get a word out before your instincts turned to flailing and screaming. You could feel your senses being taken away from you as you were being pulled away by another entity, one that was not your mother.

You screamed as if your life depended on it, but it was of no use. Being on the outer perimeter of the village, along with the crackling of the thunder, there was no way you were going to be heard. Be that as it may, you still tried. Maybe Dolores would hear your pleads, your desperate cries for help.

You used all of your lasting energy before you felt a cold sting seep through the fabric that was already resting on your face, a sweet smell rushing up your nose as you felt your eyes beginning to close. Your screams grew quieter and weaker, until eventually, you could sense nothing but a black void.

Camilo's POV:

Camilo suffocated in agony as he watched Y/N be torn away from him. No matter how much anger he had felt with her before, that completely evaporated as an overwhelming urge crept over him, as if it were another force taking over his body. He wanted nothing more but to run up to Y/N, to take her and to shield her from all of this. To run away and to start a new life together, as if she were the only other person in the world.

The thing that pained him the most, was that he understood. He understood why she felt she had to leave, and apart of him agreed, although he would have never wished for it to turn out in this fashion. 

He knew he shouldn't run after her, to try and heroically snatch her away, no matter how much he wanted to.

The pain expanded exponentially in his heart the farther she walked away from him, eventually falling to his knees when he couldn't make out her figure any longer. He sat there, completely still in a puddle of his mothers emotional breakdown.

He closed his eyes and looked up to the sky, feeling the drowning rain smack harshly against his skin. Burning tears slowly, but surely, began intermingling with the ice cold droplets of water that resided on his cheeks. He took a shaky breath in, unable to hold the outburst of tears as he attempted to breathe it out.

"Hey," Mirabel could be heard coming up from behind him as she placed her arms over his shoulders. She lowered her forehead onto the surface of his shoulder, as she too, began to cry.

So they sat there, in a puddle of their debilitating anguish, crying with each other as they mourned the loss of their third. 

It felt as though along with Y/N, apart of them was lost, too.

A/N: Trying out something new! PSA, this POV switching will not be a regular thing, I just thought it would be fun to play with for the time that Camilo and Y/N are completely separated. Tell me your thoughts, and I hope everyone is continuing to enjoy! :)

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