Ocean Eyes

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You thought you were awake. That is, until the last thing you saw was Camilo rushing over to you as men on horses closed in.

Faded blue began shining on your pupils as you slowly opened your eyes, squinting as you adjusted to the bright sky you were staring directly up at.

As you regained your composure, you lifted your hand up to rub your face with little recollection of what had just happened. 


You tried hard to focus your vision to your surroundings, still feeling completely befogged.


The sound of your name being called started to grow louder and more clear through the prominent ringing in your ears.

"Y/N! Can you hear me?"

You craned your head over to the side to see Camilo's face looking down at you, your head resting in his cupped hands over his lap.

You gently nodded as you looked back up to the sky.

"What's going on?" You groggily asked Camilo.

"You must have passed out for a split second," he replied with a worried tone.

"Passed... passed out?"

As you repeated him with growing concern, you felt it again. The feeling of the gaping hole in your stomach.

In that moment, it clicked. The excessive and hard exercise mixed with adrenaline and a lack of proper nutrition... there was no way that was ending well. Of course you passed out.

"How long was I out for?" Before Camilo could answer your question, you already found the answer. You sat up to see yourself in the open area you had tried to run through, trapped in a circle of unrecognizable figures on horses. You couldn't have been out for more than a few seconds.

How are we going to get out of this?

Even if you wanted to, you couldn't run. You were weak, and besides, you were already trapped. They had already herded you. There was no way out.

They had won.

You felt Camilo slither an arm over your shoulder, pulling you in close as he rested the lower half of his face on your head, defensively looking out at all of your newly-made enemies. He placed a soft and hidden kiss on your head as he remained in this protective position.

A figure dropped down from one of the horses that stood directly in front of you. A long and flowing black cloak encased them, their hood concealing every one of their features.

It almost looked... familiar? Why did it seem like you have seen this before?

"You put up quite a fight," the figure said, almost in annoyance. You didn't need another moment to think - you knew that voice like the back of your hand.

You have got to be kidding.

The figure raised their hands to the hood, gently sliding it down to reveal their face.

"The apple doesn't fall far from the tree," your mother said with a mischievous and cocky smile.

You felt Camilo's arms wrap themselves around you ever so slightly more, tightening his hold. The two of you stood up as your mother got closer, his arms still draped around you. Your mother scoffed as she eyed Camilo up and down.

"And what gives you the right?" Your mother said condescendingly as her eyes followed his arms that protectively held you.

"Since you kidnapped your own daughter," Camilo said with immediate hostility. Not that you could blame him, but this isn't what was needed right now. If anyone was to start a fight with your mother, it was going to be you.

You rested a hand on Camilo's forearm, nudging for him to release you. He hesitantly let go, sticking close by your side.

"I don't even know where to begin," you said as you took a step forward.

Your mother held her hand out before you took another step.

"You don't have to," she sarcastically said joyously. "Freeing yourself from Benjamín, and busting Camilo out? You're a lot to handle, mija. It's best you come with us, now that we finally have you once more."

"And why should we?" You held your ground as Camilo lightly grabbed onto your forearm with his hand, letting you know he was by your side.

Your mother chuckled at your question. 

"Look around, Y/N. Where are you to run? Tag."

As much as you hated it, you knew she was right. There was nowhere you could possibly turn to.

Your eyes darted to the ground in a silent defeat.

"Don't look so blue, mija. You can come with us willingly! Or... you know," your mother gestured to the individuals that circled you.

"Not very willing either way," you mumbled.

There wasn't much of a way out of this. You either went with them willingly now, or they would take you forcefully. Same outcome, with slight variations on how it would happen. You had two options: You could either go with them now, saving yourself a hassle and another possible knock-out, or you could decide not to go down without a fight. What'll it be?

Go willingly


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