Little Mockingbird

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The boy turned around to face you, disorienting you with his gold tinted eyes. Massaging his jaw from the impact, he shot you a dare-devilish smirk and opened his mouth to speak.

"Not bad," the amused boy met your gaze with a half-smirk. "Although, you might want to practice your technique..." he joked, brushing off his ruana.

You were promptly flustered, your face sinking into a deepened shade of pink. You were embarrassed, for one, because you had just accidentally struck a Madrigal, but there was something else... you just couldn't put your finger on it.

"Oh Dios mío, I-I am so sorry! I was only trying to-" Panicked, your apologies began brokenly flooding out.

"Imitate me?" the Madrigal boy quickly interjected, followed by a soft chuckle. The corners of his mouth raised ever so slightly, faintly scrunching his nose. "Well, you might want to practice pequeño sinsonte (little mockingbird). I definitely hit better than that."

Your face tingled with a blistering sensation. 

It was bad enough that the one person you were mimicking saw you do it. 

It was bad enough that you hit  that person in the process.

Now, this boy called you by a personal nickname curated from... watching you mock him.

An in-the-moment nightmare. You couldn't seem to pull yourself together, and saying something in response was the last thing you were stressing over.

"Don't trip over yourself, señorita." He flashed you a cheeky smile and a naturally quick wink.

The shapeshifter knew exactly what he was doing. His face lit up with amusement after seeing his effects take form on your expressions.  

You barely knew him, but his mischievous aura felt like it gave you an opening to counter. As discomposed as you were, you wanted to wipe that smug smile off of his face. You could not let this boy you just met already win.

"Who are you calling pequeño, niñito (little boy)?" You spoke up with a sudden confidence. His eyes slightly enlarged, as if he had given you an invitation, and you just accepted it. 

He glanced you up and down, his eyes calculating. He was examining you. 

In an instant, you were staring back at an exact copy of yourself, right down to the small, almost undetectable paper-cut that was in its healing stage on your right hand.

He's observant.

"Seems like I've met my match, sinsonte," said the boy, still in your form. Weight hung off that last word.

The shapeshifter transformed back into himself with a twirl, offering his hand.

"Camilo," he benevolently introduced himself. "Camilo Madrigal".

You extended your hand with uncertainty, still on edge from the recent occurrence. He gently took hold of your fingers.

Another surge of adrenaline, this time being shared between the two of you.

"And you?" Camilo looked directly at you, not a hint of discomfort emanating from him. This put you at ease.

"Y/N... Y/N, L/N" you replied, your voice tensing less the more you spoke.

He looked up at the clouds, as if flipping through a list of names.

"Y/N? Have we met?" Camilo had a slight, curious furrow in his brow.

You shook your head, your hair bouncing, putting your bandana slightly out of place. He reached out with one hand to fix it.

Your heart skipped a beat.


"I wouldn't think so," you replied. "My family and I just moved here. Today, actually."

"That makes more sense," he paused for a short moment. "I would have remembered meeting you."

Your heart skipped another beat.

He'll definitely be a problem.

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