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You hung your head in relief at his words, letting the silent sobs come through. The three of you sat there in grief, comforting each other until sunrise, saying no words. You didn't have to. 

You shot up out of your slumber, the side of your face numb with marks and your hair in a small knot.

You looked at the window, seeing the soft morning light seep through the coverings. At the same time, you heard the faint chattering of voices coming from downstairs.

What time is it? You thought to yourself in a panic. When did we even go to sleep? I don't remember falling asleep.

The night before- well, a few hours ago, must have been incredibly tiring on your mind. You barely remembered anything after entering the nursery other than having a good cry, with the closest people in your life right now by your side.

Mirabel was fast asleep in her bed, Camilo stretched out on the floor. Gabriel must have already gone downstairs.

You took the pillow from behind you and chucked it at Camilo, taking another and doing the same for Mirabel. Neither of them woke up so easily.

You clapped your hands and mimicked a trumpet noise. This seemed to get their attention.

The two of them slowly began to toss and turn with grumbles and groans, flipping over to face you.

"Five more minutes," Camilo said, covering his face with both of his hands.

"I think we slept in," you told them, causing Mirabel to immediately sit up, an alarmed expression meeting her face.

Camilo shrugged and turned around with no fear. 

"Maldita sea (damn it)! We're probably late for breakfast," Mirabel said as she swung her feet off the side of her bed. 

"Camilo, we need to get ready, so you need to get out!" Mirabel urged her cousin to wake up, lightly kicking him. When he didn't respond, she kicked him harder.

"Aye, okay, okay! Cut it out! I'm going," he insisted, taking a moment to stretch as he brought himself to his feet.

"Now!" Mirabel said desperately, using the same pillow you threw at her to hurdle towards him.

Camilo chuckled through various "okay's" as he made his way out the nursery door.

Mirabel quickly jumped to her feet, making her way over to the dresser. Your vision was suddenly obstructed as an article of clothing was flung in your direction, draping over your head.

"Fresh clothes, Y/N. Put em' on!" Mirabel didn't even look back at you as she continued to search through her closet. 

You hastily changed into the clothes she had given you, knowing there was no time to waste. You weren't sure why you knew exactly, or how big of a deal sleeping in was, but by the way Mirabel was acting, you wanted to be on the same page.

"Okay, ready," she said through an exhale as she picked off a loose thread from the embroidery on her skirt.

You gave her a nod in agreement as she flung the door open, almost straight into Camilo, who was waiting outside.

"What is up with you today, Mira?" Camilo asked, knowing it would provoke her.

"We've been awake for five minutes, Camilo, vamos!" Mirabel didn't give him the time. She was too focused on getting to the table.

Camilo turned to you wide-eyed with his hands in his pockets, blowing his hair out of his face.

"Wow, just what we needed, another Mirabel," he joked as he examined your clothing.

Make You Smile (Camilo Madrigal x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now