Chapter 45

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Tanya's P.O.V:

It started raining really hard it felt like a storm was coming this way I looked outside and couldn't see anything but rain. The guests were going bizarre over the rain and said Neeti and Abhi need to hurry up their wedding but Abhi was taking a long time. I sighed as Neeti walked to the mandap (it's this small thing where there is a fire and priest who marries people) with Abhi. Someone came behind and pulled me into a dark room their were two pair of arms.
Someone turned the lights on and I saw Rahul and Aarav!!

"Aarav!?!!!? What are you doing here???" I asked.

"No time for that but we need to stop this wedding....I called Abhi yesterday but Maahi picked it and got her memory back!!" Aarav explained.

"How do you know about Maahi? Or Mahira? What do you mean by that she got her memory back!! I'm so confused!!!" I said taking a seat.

"Maahi dropped the phone or something and I heard Neetis conversation with her she was emotional blackmailing her or something!!" Aarav said.

"How do you know about Neeti?" I asked.

"Abhi told me when he got engaged...that's not the point we need to stop this wedding!! Neeti is going to take all of Abhis money and then kill him!!" Aarav said.

"Wait!! What???" I asked.

"Never mind this lets just stop this wedding!!" Rahul said.

"How do you know about this!?" I asked.

"Harsh told me everything, the truth about Mahira or Maahi...." Rahul said peaking out the door to make sure no one is there.

"Who told Harsh? He is a little boy!!" I said.

"Karthik...Tanya we have to go to Maahi and tell her everything before it's too late!!" Aarav yelled.

"How do we stop this wedding until Maahi gets here?" I asked.

"Just follow my lead..." Rahul said as we followed him outside.

"Guys bad new there is traffic the pandit (priest) is late!!" Rahul lied.

"Aarav? When did you get here??" Abhi asked.

"What kind of friend are you Abhi? Can I not come or something!!??!" Aarav said being dramatic.

"Guys stop it!! The priest will be here in 30 minutes!!" I yelled. The guests sat down and sighed like they had a feeling this wedding won't happen.

"We should go and try to pic him up!!!" Rahul suggested.
Me and Aarav followed him out and got in his jeep and got really wet because of the stupid rain.

"Rahul!! How are we supposed to do this?!! We can barely see the road!! We will never reach Maahi in time!!" I yelled so Rahul could hear me.

"Trust me Maahi and Abhis love is with me!! True love always finds a way..."

Authors Note:

First I'm so excited because I'm really happy that in 5 chapters I will be on chapter 50!!! God I'm really excited!!

How did you like this chapter? Am I leaving too many cliffhangers? Will Tanya, Aarav, Rahul reach in time? Will they be able to stop the wedding?

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