The first message

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10:00 am

Hey, last night was fun I'd really like to go out again. xx

Excuse me?

Oh come on I know we had a drink or two but you weren't blacked out.

You had a slight buzz at most.

Or was our date that bad????

Sorry, I'm pretty sure you have the wrong number.

I'm at least 95% sure you've got the wrong number.

I see...

Well, I'm truly sorry that the date was that bad.

So much so that you're just choosing to black it out now.

No, that's not it. Sorry, I was caught up in some work.

What I mean is I wasn't on any date last night.

I know you have no other real reason to believe me since you know the whole strangers and unknown numbers thing.

For what it's worth though, I had nerds night in last night. I spent most of it on my couch in my finest sweatpants with a pint of ice cream in hand one hand and the biggest spoon known to man in the other with a Marvel movie marathon on tv.

Well while there is always a slim chance that you could be my date and lying to me I trust you.

The individual I went on a date with last night was nice and all but I don't think they'd ever admit to eating a pint of ice cream in sweats. They very much gave off a small or indie movie-only vibe.

I thought the date went okay. Enough to get a second date out of me but clearly they thought a little differently since I got a whole other person's phone number.

Fuck em' it's their loss.

 Now I know I may not be them, but I will gladly hang out with you.

There's plenty of room here for an extra guest.

You do know I'm a stranger, Right?

Yeah, and I'm sure that person you went out with last night was a stranger too.

We have a smartass on our hands I see.

 Look I had a conversation with them before we went out.

Multiple days worth of conversation.

Okay, but that's what we're doing now aren't we?

I mean I think we're having a conversation.

I want to not like you.

However, you are making that very difficult.

Besides we're hardly having a conversation.

I'm just making myself look like an idiot texting a number that isn't even my date from last night.

Hey, I told you what I was doing last night.

Granted it wasn't a top 10 most embarrassing moment in my life what random person is gonna level with you like that?


Honest one but still my point stands.

Okay, let's fix that then.

Hey Mystery Number my name's Y/N I'm 22 and I'm a self-employed artist.

Yeah, I'm not telling you my name.

You're just gonna use it to make fun of me.

Babe, I am a self-employed artist.

I went to school to draw cartoons the jokes write themselves on this side of the street. 

Y/N you can keep prying but I'm not budging.

Did your parents never tell you about stranger danger?

Ok, I get it. I'm a stranger.

I will leave you alone if that's what you want Mystery.

I just have one last thing to say to you then I'll be out of your hair and you can be on your way and forget about all of this.

Just know that the whole going on a date and getting the fake number debacle can't be more embarrassing than being so scared of frogs that you scream and run on-site at the big age of 22.

You have to be kidding! At 22!

12:00 pm


Hey, don't leave me hanging like this!

I'm sorry.

 I thought we were strangers, you know the stranger danger thing?

Plus some people have to work and by work I mean draw silly doodles.

It amazes me the things people pay me to draw.

Well, we're not really strangers anymore.

I know your name.

I see tell a person an embarrassing piece of lore about yourself and you're no longer strangers.

You can say we're getting to know each other.

Now if we are getting to know each other I would need to know your name.

Which I still don't know by the way.

It's Emily

Yeah, I may not be a genius but no Emily could never be this sassy.

 You can trust me on that, I know several Emilys.


I'm done texting you y/n

I tried to be friendly like you were with me earlier.

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