The Big Apple

872 18 7

June 14

5:45 am

I know we had agreed that I would wake you up when I left this morning to say goodbye but I couldn't bring myself to wake you up. Partially because you looked so peaceful in your sleep and partially because I know that if you are up for more than ten minutes you can't fall back asleep immediately. And you would have wanted to be up with me and send me out the door with a hug and a kiss.

Just know that I did kiss your forehead just before I left and told you I love you as I walked out of the bedroom. Don't worry we will see each other soon enough I'm only away for two weeks. I'm sure you'll give me a hard time as soon as I make it back home.

8:15 am

You know I want to be frustrated that I wasn't able to kiss you goodbye this morning but I can't be. Not when you put it that way.

Let me know when you've landed in the city.

11:00 am

I finally made it to the city, and I'm glad you aren't mad or annoyed with me.

I could never be either one of those with you.

If I ever was it would only be for a moment and nothing longer.


I repeat DO NOT get any ideas.


Maybe I will!

I swear to god.

No, I wouldn't do that to you at least not on purpose anyways.

So what's first up on the itinerary in NY?

Well, Law's show is tomorrow so I have to go and see what he's putting me in for the event.

He said he had narrowed it down to 2/3 dresses I just have to try them on for a final decision.

Pictures or it didn't happen.

Oh my god, you are terrible. I can't show you until tomorrow that's when the collection drops.

What am I gonna do?

Send the picture to a Twitter updates page.

Send it to the Steinfeld styles Instagram.

If you even think for a second I would I'm slightly disappointed. In this house I gatekeep sexy Hailee pictures.

Hey, you never know.


I don't like you very much right now.

you're being mean.

I wasn't joking about me gatekeeping them.

How can you gatekeep pictures I haven't even taken?

You know what I mean.

Ok ok, I'll see what I can do. Half the time I don't have my phone on me when we do try on's.

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