Settling in

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We are?

Yeah, we're done. 

I can't believe we're done already.

I know right you had quite a few boxes for a second there I thought we'd never get you unpacked.

Hey, I said we could take a break at midnight and finish it later today.

But if we had stopped we would have to spend the rest of my days with you getting you all situated.

While that is true it wouldn't have taken more than a day.

But we did it all in 12 hours. And we have a sick surround sound system in the bedroom now thanks to you.

*pulls Hailee closer by the hips* Crazy how in 12 hours you can pack up all your belongings transport them across a state and somehow manage to neatly unpack it all. While at the same time starting a new chapter in your life.

You say that like it's a bad thing. 

It's not a bad thing, it's a crazy thing. A kind of thing I never would've thought I'd ever do. 

*looks away from y/n nervously*

*grabs Hailee's chin and re-adjusts her face* But what do I know, I thought I'd never find my fairy tale love story.

*smirks* But here we are.

I couldn't have said it better myself. *hears sound system turn on* What was that?

Guess you just have to Listen.

*concentrates on music*  Ha ha ha it's Lover, nice move Steinfeld. Play a romantic song after I said I had finally found my fairy tale romance.

Well, it was a little too late to play Haven't met you yet by Micheal Buble so...

*giggles* Well I'm assuming you played this song for a reason.*kisses Hailee*

I did *backs up and curtsies* Can I have this dance with you y/n?

I thought you'd never ask.

The two sway along to the song in the newly redecorated and reorganized bedroom lit up by poorly hung fairy lights y/n hung on the wall over the bed and a small Bay Bridge Acrylic lamp. A few songs cycle through and they just continue to hold each other. It isn't until four or five songs in when Bless the Broken Road begins to play that y/n realizes that Hailee had been playing the playlist that she had made for Hailee. And the only way she would have the playlist is by reading the note she had given her after the Met.

*rests her head on y/n's chest* 

*lays head on Hailee's shoulder rubbing her back*

*begins to sniffle* I-

I know, I'm here, and I'm not going anywhere anytime soon.*Holds Hailee tight*

*pauses the music and wipes tears away* Oh man I didn't know it was possible to cry this much from being happy. 

So I take it you read that letter I left you in New York.

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