A walk with Dad

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With the dining room and kitchen now clean and the dishwasher loaded Hailee and y/n took a few minutes to themselves in the kitchen. They stood there leaning over the kitchen island. Thinking about the events that had unfolded. Hailee wore a massive smile. Despite her relationship being a whirlwind her parents fell in love with y/n just like Hailee had. Everything in Hailee's life was finally starting to make sense. As for y/n well she was just happy that she was part of the family instantly.

Thank you.

I told you dinner was a group effort I wasn't going to take all of the credit.

No, for today.

For supporting me, letting me do all of this at my pace.

And taking over when I got overwhelmed.

It was all you babe.

I just came in with an assist here or there.

I'm proud of you.

Hailee pushed herself off the counter and went and wrapped herself around y/n's torso. Resting her head on y/n's chest. Y/n wrapped her arms around Hailee and kissed her forehead and whispered words of affirmation in her ear. Y/n really was proud of Hailee. Coming out wasn't always easy, it was y/n had never officially come out. She just made it so obvious that men weren't on her radar. It spared the awkward conversations and it was just an unspoken truth that y/n liked women.

Come to bed with me?

I uh- please?

y/n couldn't help but giggle. With the fast and fiery start to their relationship, Hailee suddenly found herself nervous just asking to sleep in the same bed. The same girl who just hours ago had asked her to stay over for two weeks.

I said yes to staying out here for two weeks but do you really think I was going to draw the line at sleeping in the same bed?

You never know.

I just don't want you to feel suffocated.

Hey you let me worry about that.

If we're moving too fast from now on we let each other know okay.


I will happily join you in bed.

You can go ahead and head up if you're tired. I'm just gonna put this apron away and turn out the lights.

Really? you don't have to do all of that I can do it.

I'm sure. You had a big day go and relax. I'll be up in five.


I'll see you in five.

If I'm still awake if not I guess I'll see you in the morning.

Y/n gave Hailee a hug and a kiss and sent her on her way up the stairs. No sooner than y/n heard the bedroom door open and close her phone started to go off in her pocket. At first, she didn't think much of it. Chances were that it was just an app notification. Probably one of her many games telling her to get in her daily playtime. Then the phone started buzzing incessantly. Surely it was Hailee who had forgotten something downstairs and was too comfy in bed to justify coming downstairs. So y/n pulled out her phone to see if Hailee was calling or texting her.

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