The Job

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It was nerve-wracking to find the right images to send to Hailee. Y/n really meant it when she told Hailee she only took pictures for shits and giggles. They were only ever taken in a way to remember a moment in time that she loved. People who took pictures of models or of locations always took their pictures through an artistic lens. There was always a vision. Y/n didn't have a vision what y/n had was feelings. Y/n took pictures when something made them laugh, made them smile, made them cry, made them feel anything. It may have taken all night but y/n finally found the 4 strongest photos in her portfolio if you could even call it that and sent it off to Hailee.

The first of the four photos was from y/n's very first concert. You might expect the picture to be of the artist but it wasn't. It was of the crowd as confetti fell to the floor. it was taken at the end of the show but based of the smiles on the crowd's faces you'd never know that. The second was an action shot from a go-kart race it was a picture of a driver drifting through a tight corner, or one would assume since there were chunks of clay in the shot. The third picture was the only one in black and white and it was of an older woman who sat at a table assembling tamales. The final picture was taken with a film camera. Clearly taken from Disney California's boardwalk it showed California Screamin's launchpad and the Ferris wheel.

3:00 am

Damn y/n that's some impressive work.

Seriously how have I never heard your name before with art like that?

Well it honestly takes a lot to get big with art.

Social media and all of that but I make enough to support myself and that's enough for me.

The art finds who it speaks to.

And your PHOTOGRAPHS! To die for!

I'd love to meet up and let you get a couple of shots of me.

Wow, you think so, Hailee?

I mean I don't take too many pictures where people are the subjects. The one with the racer I got lucky I was just aiming to get the cart itself.

Um yeah, I know so.

You don't know this about me yet but I'm a bit of an art snob myself.

So maybe snob isn't the right word.

Snob scares me, Hailee.

Okay, not a snob but look I like art.

Enough that I have a Haring.

No shit you own a haring print.

Not a print, an authentic one.

For legal purposes, this is a joke, Hailee.


Haring is actually an inspiration in my work!

He and Pollock are both very simple artists with 2 different impacts.

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