Deck the Halls

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*leaning up against decoration boxes* So...


If you want more decorations than this, I have some in the garage on those racks.

This is enough right?

Or is that your way of saying you don't like these ones?

Are you kidding me? I love all the stuff you have it's adorable.

The old family decorations that have been passed down the old Christmas photos.

I'm assuming your childhood stocking? *lifts up stocking*

What can I say I liked the carebears.

Just the carebears? *lifts up other stocking*

Okay, so I liked Winnie the pooh too.

And this Batman one?

Yeah remember that phase I told you I went through where I really liked Harley Quinn and Batman?

They got me that Batman stocking during that phase.

Haha your Christmas decorations have been well loved.

Hey if your gonna get to poke through all of my stuff when can I judge your holiday decor.

Okay okay you can look at my stuff.

what stuff do you have?

Well follow me and we can go take a look at what I have.

I mean..

What we have.

okay, let's see what we have.

 I'll meet you in the garage I'm going to take all my boxes downstairs and leave them in the living room.

Okay i'll see you in the garage.

*walking into garage* ok, I got all of the boxes downstairs, so where are your boxes at?

They're right above your head. *points up*

*looks up* Oh they're on those fancy lift racks.

Kinda always wondered what was up there.

Hell yeah, they are!

 You totally could have looked at what was up there in those boxes.

Yeah but that's all of your stuff I didn't want to go through stuff that isn't mine.

Well starting now you know you can be curious and look in the boxes in the garage.

And feel free to put all your Christmas stuff up on the racks when we put everything away at the end of the season.

That will make my life easy.

Just come in here, load all of it up, grab the remote, send it up there, then bring it down, grab what I need, and send it back up.

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