Plane Ride

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Sorry if my saying I might need a drink for this conversation made you nervous or scared I swear it's not bad. 

It's just that this thing we have going on, whatever it is feels special and I really just don't want to fuck it up. If anything the drink is to calm my nerves.

Well, I feel the same way so pour me a drink too y/n!

So do you want to start off this conversation?

I guess I can it only seems right being that I brought it up.

As you know already from the musical number I did for you I really really like you, however, this is the first time I've ever done this *gestures to y/n*

So there's an added level of anxiety and not wanting to fuck this up and scare you off.

Well, Hailee ill tell you this, I can count on my hands all the girls that have done full blown dance numbers for me its one.

In case you think I mean two, no I mean one it's you obviously.

 No other girl has liked me enough to want to potentially embarrass themselves like that.

Yeah that's true I didn't think about it that way

Now I also agreed to wear your clothes rather than go to a store and get a new outfit and I'm also still sitting here on this plane fully intending to take you to my apartment. 

So using those context clues I think that means I'm also really really into you but also don't want to pressure you either. 

I wanted to go at your pace and do what makes you comfortable when you are comfortable.


..uh uhm I... i mean.

no I what what... i meant

I'm gonna keep that nugget of information in my mind.

*turns bright red clears throat* So you like me too? 

Yes Hailee.

 I do like you as a friend but in a friend-to-lovers kind of way.

*manages to turn more red and start sweating*

And I'm willing to bet you feel the same based off the way you look right now. *Kisses Hailee's forehead* don't worry there's no reason to be nervous around me.

I think I'm gonna need another drink soon.

The fact that a no-name artist is making you this nervous right now. 

My power, this is a definite confidence booster. Come here.*pulls hailee onto jet couch* 

okay seriously come here and just relax.

 breathe in and out yeah there you go you got it.

You know being around you gives me butterflies and now that you're holding me I feel calm. 

You make me nervous because I don't want to lose you because well I think I love you. And its fine you don't have to say it back, I just, I've fallen for you so hard and so fast you just do something to me an-

Suddenly y/n's hand was on Hailee's face and their lips were crashing up against each other and Hailee was suddenly at peace again.

In all honesty, I think I love you too.

*pilot over the intercom* Well we aren't in Virginia love birds, but we are now starting our descent onto Monterey we should be landing in 10 minutes

Hailee, can we just stay like this until we land?

 it'll help my landing anxiety.

Seeing as you helped with my in-flight and take-off anxiety yeah we can stay cuddled up until we land.

Good.*kisses Hailee*

 that makes me really happy. 

But it doesn't feel like we where in the air for a whole hour. what do you think?

Trust me it felt like 5 hours with that embarrassment of the fuck me that I slid out.

oh yeah, I wouldn't be too worried about that. But now that we landed and had that conversation I'm super excited to show you my place. 

Way more excited for that surprise I have planned too.

ok ok now come on lets get off of this plane and into the car, please.

the two hopped off the plane and into the car that was waiting to give them a ride to y/ns apartment. The pair load up the dogs and drive to y/ns place. A short 15-minute drive later and they pull up to the apartment drive way.

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