We're getting married

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Between Griffin's Birthday and the festivities surrounding it, and getting back to work, and a busy month in general Hailee found and booked a Florist. AS if that wasn't impressive enough she had also narrowed down a handful of bakeries to use for a wedding cake and some cupcakes for the reception. Things for the wedding were finally falling into place, and way faster than either y/n or Hailee had originally expected. On the bright side, with all of the smaller details having been narrowed down and nearly finalized would allow them more time to focus solely on their wedding day looks.

Hailee was running around the house checking things off of her wedding planning board while y/n was getting dressed and making her way downstairs where Hailee was waiting.

Alright Amor I'm dressed.

Why am I ready to leave the house this early though?

You're ready this early because we have a full day ahead of us.

Don't we always have a full day ahead of us at 9 am?

I, ye-

*takes a deep breath*

What it was an honest question?

You haven't exactly said what we're doing this morning.

You know what I needed that joke, no matter how annoying it was.

We can call it a joke if it keeps me out of trouble with you.

What I meant was we have a full day of tastings ahead of us.

Catering or like cake-wise?

The bakery, we are cake testing today.

I'm always down for a taste test at a bakery.

Well bakeries, we've gotta narrow them down.

Even better.

I could never complain about taste-testing some cake.

For catering, we can either go through the venue or we can call in an outside company.

Which do you want to do?

I have no clue.

I just know we ned to get going to make it to these appointments we have.

Because I might have an idea.

*looks at watch*

As much as I want to hear it we really do need to get in the car and head to the first bakery.

Hailee and y/n hop in the car and head to the first bakery that was recommended by a few of Hailee's friends and family.

So now that we're in the car and en route, can I tell you my maybe crazy idea?

Does it include fire or explosions?

If it does the answer is no.

You can't be burning down a wedding venue.

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