Kiss the Girl

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After a long year of planning, the day that the couple had been looking forward to finally arrived. It was the day of the wedding and the date was their two-year anniversary of the day Hailee had sent those drunken textsY/n thought it was cute and different most people choose anniversaries of their proposal date or cute sequential dates. Y/n opted for the day that started the domino effect that would end up changing both of their lives.

  Although their very special day was going to be different than the average wedding, the couple had decided to follow some older traditions. Primarily being separated on the day of the ceremony until their first looks. Neither of them truly believed that seeing either bride in their day of get up would cause them bad luck but they also didn't want to fuck around and find out. In Hailee's words"Oh No I did not make it this far into an amazing relationship to fuck it up on my wedding day." So y/n having the easier outfit to get on happily went to a nearby hotel so Hailee could have her full glam team at the venue and have her peace of mind.


Y/n had started the big day off by turning off the first of many alarms to make sure she got up and to the venue on time today. Y/n was always on time and today would be no different even if she knew Hailee would inevitably be a few minutes late.

Well, it's the big day.

Time to turn off my 1,2,3,4... 20 alarms.

Overkill for sure but I take zero chances today.

y/n rolled over to greet Hailee and give her a good morning kiss. The only problem was that Hailee wasn't there. Instead, she was at the wedding venue probably waiting for her morning kiss. 


That's right, she's not here.

To think I used to wake up like this and think nothing of it but now I'm sad I can't give Hailee a good morning kiss.

She never said I couldn't call her...

What would happen if I just called Hailee up?

*dials Hailee*

Please pick up...


cheri: So what look are you going for with makeup?

Well recently I've actually been going for less glam looks and doing more natural makeup.

Then I've been going and highlighting my beauty marks.

C: Aww what made you make that decision? I love it for you but you've covered those things forever.

Well with the help of someone special i've learned to love them.

It's actually one of their favorite things about me.

C: Would this person just so happen to be getting into a suit across town right now?


I could be talking about myself you know.

C: You very well could be talking about yourself. Either way, I'm happy you've been embracing what makes you so pretty.

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