Big Feelings

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We are now back to our regular timeline and regularly scheduled programming.

Also, I'm FINALLY beating the "I'm back" and then ghosting narrative! This is why this one is shorter since we're getting back into the flow of writing.

Hailee and Y/n had taken a few weeks following their anniversary to themselves. It wasn't every day you found out you and your wife were finally pregnant. So y/n made sure the two of them took the proper amount of time to celebrate but to let the news fully set in. Within the walls of their house, the once family of four was now going to be a family of five. The dogs would no longer be their mom's only babies. In nine very short months, there would be a little sibling those dogs would protect. That also meant that starting now the couple would also only have 9 more months of good sleep. 

It was during those weeks that the couple had kept their little growing bundle of joy a secret that they made a discovery. The discovery was made during their new morning routine. It was after their good morning kiss that Hailee finally got up and out of bed to brush her teeth and tame her wild and wavy hair. Y/n had followed behind her wife pulling Hailee in from behind holding her belly and peppering kisses on the shoulder that Hailee's cardigan hadn't quite fully covered before resting her head there. Only then, as y/n placed her hand on its normal resting area, the couple noticed Hailee's once-ripped abs had softened and started to flatten. The once sculpted six-pack and the grooves y/n would run her fingers across had filled out. As a smile started to grow on  y/n's face Hailee's stomach started to twist and turn and knot up.

This pregnancy wasn't one that she wanted to hide or was planning on hiding. They weren't teens who felt ashamed to tell their parents they had gotten pregnant. Hailee and Y/n very much wanted this. They had to put in so much effort to get here. The cycle monitoring, the hormone tracking, the injections, and other countless tasks. Hailee would do it all a million times over to end up where she is now. But none of that made Hailee feel any better about the fact that she was already showing. She knew showing was good, it was great even but she hoped she wouldn't grow big enough that family and friends would notice before she was ready to tell everyone.  

Hey, I see those gears turning in there.

Do you want to talk about it?

Hailee leaned forward gripping the bathroom counter and dropped her head as she let out a frustrated groan. She really did want to talk about it. The only problem was how did she talk about it without seeming crazy. How would she have to articulate the words so y/n would understand? Plenty of their friends and extended family members had gotten pregnant and had told everyone by this point. So even if the couple had to tell everyone in a week or so they would be fine. Right? Yeah, they would be fine... Then again they were all younger than Hailee... never had any issue getting pregnant like Hailee... Uhh, how do you tell your wife you are fucking terrified of messing this up.  

Hailee was so deep in thought or so far down the rabbit hole in her head because the next thing she knew she was suddenly wrapped in a hug and smelling her wife's lemon sage conditioner. Hailee didn't have the words to tell her wife how she was feeling but like always y/n just had a feeling that she needed to be held. Hailee relaxed in her wife's arms and before Hailee knew it tears streamed down her cheeks. 

Let it out, My Love.

I've got you and I'm not going anywhere.

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