We're home

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*brings y/n close and rests head on her chest*

*wraps arms around Hailee*

*exhales* Now this place feels like home again. 

*runs fingers through Hailee's hair* Well we did it.

*exhales* Yeah we did, we hung that print up perfectly.

Yeah but that's not what I was talking about.

Oh, where are you referencing the fact that we are standing in our home and all your stuff is currently en route?

Yeah *giggles* that's what I was talking about.

Well, we beat the rest of the family here, what do we want to do? 

Well, when you were sleeping I stopped for gas and Griffin shared his location with me. *pulls out phone* and according to apple, they're about 30 minutes out.

So again what do we want to do?

 Well, it's pointless but I'm gonna go and shower because I can smell myself, and it's not good.

It's not-

No, I can smell me it's bad. But thank you for trying to say it's not. Now I'll be back down in like ten minutes. *kisses Hailee's forehead and walks upstairs to shower*

*turns shower on*Yes thank god I can shower now! Moving all those boxes got me all nasty and sweaty. *gets into shower*

*walks upstairs*

Oh yessss this feels so nice.*starts to wash hair*

*gets in the  shower and grabs y/n's waist* 

oh, I just got chills down my back, in like a good way.


Why are you looking at me like that? I have soap in my hair, this isn't the time.

*smirks even bigger*

No, we have roughly 20 minutes and I could not face your family if they showed up any earlier.

*grabs loofa with body wash* Well I never said we had to do that. I just thought we could shower together. Now turn around and let me clean your back.

oh, this is nice.

See I got you all squeaky clean and we got to spend some time together before the Uhaul got here.

*kisses Hailee* Well you got me clean it only seems fair I return the favor.

Oh so now you're into the idea.

*starts washing Hailee's body*

I'm slightly disappointed. I expected something else...

HA yeah by returning the favor I meant it literally. But *opens the shower door and reaches for the phone* I think I can fix that.

Thought you said you couldn't face my family if they let themselves in early...

*kisses Hailee* Well yeah but *kisses Hailee* they're still 20 minutes away. *kisses Hailee* And the fastest they could get here is in 15 minutes and I should only need 5. *smirk*

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