Santa Maria

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 Any normal person would have slept in after the fun and emotional night that they had had before but Hailee wasn't a normal person. Hailee was committed to getting every ounce of magic out of this trip. That was the exact reason she found herself up just before six o clock in the morning making hot cocoa. Specifically, the Abuelita brand her beautiful wife swore by. Why was she up this early? Normally she wouldn't be seen rolling out of bed before 10 am herself. It certainly wasn't because she had to be somewhere. Their plans in Santa Maria weren't booked to start until noon. But here Hailee found herself up at 5:45 am making her wife's favorite hot chocolate so they could watch the sunrise on the beach. If this wasn't true love and dedication Hailee didn't know what was.

It's the fact that I went to a gas station to get the milk to make this stuff.

Because out of all the things I asked to be set up here that slipped my mind.

Okay, now how do I make this stuff?

Oh pretty easy add the milk and melt the tab of chocolate.


I truly hope this is up to y/n's standards because damn am I tryin' my best.


One could say this is me trying.

As the milk warmed in the pot and came to a simmer it melted the tab of chocolate and the smell of cinnamon filled the trailer. At first, when y/n had smelled it she thought she might be dreaming. The last time she had woken up to the smell of that same cinnamony and chocolatey smell she was sleeping on the couch in this same trailer. Back when she was still just a little girl with big dreams. As y/n woke up and sat up in bed she realized Hailee wasn't in bed next to her. That she could still smell the hot chocolate. Was Hailee actually attempting to make it herself? It wasn't that hard but Hailee's hot cocoa skills stopped at Swiss miss instant packets and water. So y/n put her cardigan on and went to investigate. She opened the bedroom door to see Hailee hunched over the stove tasting the cocoa smacking her lips trying to figure out what was missing.

I think it tastes right?

Shit! Is it right?

I'm just gonna add some extra chocolate so I can add cool milk so we can actually drink this stuff.

Hopefully it all works out well.

Can I ask why you are up at 6 in the morning making hot cocoa?

Hailee froze there, she knew she was caught. She was hoping she could make the cups of cocoa and wake Y/n up with it in hand. Not with it in the pot on the stove. However Hailee had not factored in that y/n had a really good sense of smell and she was making one of her favorite things.

Oh hey...

You're acting like I caught you committing a crime.

Oh it feels like I am.

What do you mean?

You're literally making hot cocoa.

Okay, I know that but it seems like a crime because I really want to get this right.

So can you please get over here and taste it?

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