Planning Christmas

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Hailee and Y/n had come to an agreement that since they had spent Thanksgiving in California they would stay in California for Christmas this year. Then switch off to Christmas in Indiana next year to be with y/n's family.  

I know we just did thanksgiving yesterday but what do we want to do for Christmas?

I don't know if you looked around the house yet but its all decorated.

Not what I meant smart ass.

Like how do we want to spend it or celebrate it?


Yeah, i totally understood that.

So what do we want to do?

How do you normally celebrate?

Normally I go to my parent's house.

Well, we can do that.

But this year I have you *kisses y/n*

What are you saying?

If we go to my parent's then we won't have our own Christmas.

You know with just you and I...

*embraces y/n*


Ok so do you normally do Christmas day with your parents?


Okay, I think I have a plan.

Oh yeah whats this plan?

Believe it or not it's a normal Christmas schedule for my family.

Do tell.

Well for as long as I can remember my family being my Mom, Dad and I have always spent Christmas eve with my Grandparents and my cousins on Christmas eve and that is that part of the families Christmas celebration. And on Christmas day Mom, Dad and I would do our Christmas.

Okay now how are we going to make that plan work for us?

We do our Christmas just me and you on Christmas eve.

 Then Christmas Day with your family at your parents place.

I like the sound of that.

Now, if you'll excuse me I need to go and work off the whole feast your mom made for us yesterday.

I also have to get some pieces packed up and read to ship out after that.

Busy day today?

Yes I wish it wasn't so I could spend it with you.

But with the holidays and the time I want to take off it means this next week will be busy.

Don't worry about it you understood all the times I was away and busy.

Thank you mi Amor you really are to sweet to me. *gets up and walks into the backyard to work out*

Hey hey hey.

I said I would be understanding but I need my kiss.

Oh no how could I have forgotten. *walks back towards Hailee*

*kisses y/n* Have a good workout, I have some work I need to get done in here.

I really don't know how you are able to function right now, I'm still recovering from my food coma.

I never said I was out of my food coma I'm just pushing through it.

Y/n goes out and starts her work out in the meantime Hailee starts to plan. Hailee finishes the final steps of y/n's Disneyland birthday and the delivery of y/n's very own mustang. After that was done Hailee now moved on to the biggest surprise of them all. 

Christmas Eve, the day she would propose to y/n.

With all of the movies that the couple had watched Hailee knew that y/n wouldn't want something grand. Y/n would want something small and simple. Y/n was easy like that so long as there was thought put into it she would be fine with being proposed to in the living room. But Hailee knew that y/n deserved a little more than that.

Ok, so let's see let's brainstorm here.

What do I already have planned...

Y/n's family is out here for "a week" for the Disney trip and a nice visit.

 "They drove down here" and are going to "drive home" but in reality, they flew here and are going to be here for the proposal.

Obviously, my family is in on this or will be soon.

All I need is to plan the actual proposal.

In that moment it had hit Hailee. When they had watched through the nightmare before Christmas for the millionth time y/n had said she'd love to have a white Christmas again. The last time y/n had one was ages ago.

That's it!

I'm gonna get trucks of snow. No a snow machine, maybe both?

I can bang out the big details later I just know I need snow.

We know enough people to get some snow here in their trucks. I'll have the yard covered in snow. It'll already be decorated with lights and fun stuff. I can hide the family in the garage and open it up to reveal everyone.

It's crazy.

But it seems just right.

And the ring, that'll be fun y/n doesn't really do jewelry but I can figure something out in a month.

or at least I hope so...

*walks into the living room*

Hey babe I just finished with my workout I'm going to shower and be in the studio fo ra while if you need me.

Okay *kisses y/n* 

If I need you I'll know where to find you.

*walks upstairs*

Man that was close.

Nearly saw me looking for rings.

Good news is I found the one I'm going to get them.

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