BBQ Clean up

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Hailee and Pete insist on Griffin, Cheri, and Y/N staying outside and hanging out since they are in varying states of a food coma. After two trips Hailee and Pete managed to grab all of the plates and trays from the table to be cleaned. Pete stood at the sink cleaning the dishes as Hailee cleared them off. Both looked out the window in front of the kitchen sink as they worked.

Wow, she gets along with Mom and Griffin so well look at the way they're all cracking jokes out there.

Pete: Yeah Y/N really is a great fit, she gets along with everyone really well. Go with the flow laid back but well-spoken, really wise beyond her years for twenty-two.

Yeah and I really really love them. Like my whole issue with the record label and my music, she just gets me.

Oh yeah?

Yeah, Dad. I played her coast or what I had that was ready to be heard. I told her how I was nervous about the clip being used in the core Ads because it's just not ready yet. And I don't know exactly when it would be ready.

Yeah, and what was y/n's response to that.

*passes Pete a plate* Well that's it Dad. She didn't immediately respond she took a moment to internalize it think and just hugged me and said it would all be okay and we could get through this together.

*scrubbing plate*It's what I would have done hugs have always made you feel a little better.

Yeah but then she told me to take my time and that she knows what it's like to rush work and resent it or think of all the things that could have been done if only there had been more time. And as someone who previously liked my music said any and all real fans will always be there waiting for me and my music no matter how long the wait is.

She told you to take your time and make something you're proud of.

Yeah said I only get one debut album so it better be what I want and not what the label wants.

*grabs Hailee by the shoulder-rubbing her arm* Well kiddo, the last one needed to man up. But this one, this one you need to cherish. You two remind me a lot of your mom and me at that age. 

what do you mean?

Head over heels in love. There's something that when you're in it, it just feels different. You don't realize what it is until way later in life. For your mom and I, the difference we felt was love, but the kind that lasts. And I honestly think y/n and you have the same kind of love.

*turns and hugs Pete* Aww you really think so Dad? *looks up at Pete*

I know so. I can tell by the way y/n looks at you, the way she talked about you on that walk, but most importantly the lengths she goes to for you. Like tonight with the Avocado anyone else would have just left it alone when you forgot it. But she went out of the way to have griffin smuggle one over here for you.

I hope we do have that kind of love you described Dad.  

Well only time will tell but I feel confident that you and y/n will be together for a long time. Now come on sweetie let's get these cookies your mom baked outside for dessert. 

Pete and Hailee walk back outside with the tray of cookies and join Griffin, Cheri, and Y/N. The family spends the rest of their evening outside catching up and cracking jokes. They spent about 2 hours outside until Hailee started to get sleepy and her Mom, Dad, and brother help y/n take the last of the trash that was outside into the house and said their goodbyes, and went home. 

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