Maybe we can do this

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So seeing the Marvels and the birthday content made the writers block clear a lil bit. Who cheered? I'll be honest this is mainly a filler chapter while I figure out the rest of the baby storyline. With that said enjoy a flashback to the events that led to Hailee and Y/n realizing they are more prepared to have kids than they originally thought. Only because it had occurred to me I just kinda said surprise they're having a baby!

... I wrote this a month ago with the intentions of posting it. However my normal seasonal joy turned into seasonal meh and made it hard to do much of anything. 

Hehe yeah, it's now valentines day when I tell you seasonal depression is a bitch. Anyway here's this.... sorry I disappeared again. Life said stop writing and feel things.

Kids are smarter than we give them credit for. They are always scheming and planning. There is always a backup plan, and I mean always. Some kids think so far ahead that there is backup plan for if the very first backup plan they had fails, the point I'm trying to make is that they somehow always have a plan and I mean always. Assuming they're given enough time to make one up.

 It had only been about 4 days since Hailee had shared the news with the entire family that she was stepping back from working before her phone kept ringing. It was odd though, the phone would ring and by the time she was able to pick up, the call would end. She saw that the calls had all come from y/n's aunt Marge and had just assumed it was a series of unfortunate pocket dials because let's be honest who hadn't been there? 

With the knowledge that Zander often stole his mom's phone, Hailee let the issue go. As she had fought off the occasional sticky-handed child asking if she had games on her phone she knew all too well that if unlocked one could send quite a few nonsense texts or accidental calls to anyone in your contact book. One call turned to two which turned to three then suddenly there were five, and Hailee giggled at the countless situations that could be happening on the other end of the line. Was Marge trying to call her? Was Zander trying to call? How many pocket dials could you make? Hailee let it slide since there was no follow-up message via text or voicemail that  had stated Marge really did need to get ahold of the Steinfeld house.

Hailee figured if worst came to worst Marge could always just reach out to y/n. She always had her phone on her and everyone knew that if they wanted to get ahold of either woman Y/n was the best bet. So as the couple cuddled up on the couch and started to watch Ted Lasso they heard their Alexa ring in the kitchen. 

Which in itself was odd they knew it could make calls but no one had ever actually called them on it. So y/n got up to investigate eventually answering the call and seeing her younger cousin once it connected. In the background, she could hear her aunt Marge looking for Zander and asking where the Alexa that had long lived on the kitchen counter had disappeared to. By this point, y/n was laughing up a storm while Zander was trying to signal his cousin to shut up so he wouldn't be caught. The commotion had caused Hailee to wander over to the kitchen island to see what was going on.

Did you steal your mom's Alexa to call me?

No! Well... Yes...


why couldn't you call me from the kitchen?

 I stole it to call Hailee. 

Ouch, that one hurt.

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