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oh hey Robin.

*makes voice raspy* Hey Nance how you doin'?

*Knees buckle*  

Woah there *dives towards Hailee*

You all god?

That voice made me feel things.

I do not need to be acting up at the Halloween party, so please don't do the Robin voice.

I do not need to be h*rny in front of the family.

And what if I keep usi-

*shoots daggers at y/n*

*clears throat* noted back to my regular voice.

That's what I thought.

So moving on.

Are you ready to go solve a case?

Maybe save the town again?

If I had a nickel for every time we've saved the town...


You'd have 2 nickels it's not a lot but kinda odd it happened that often.

That's right. 

So... How do I look? *does a twirl*

I am ready to take your movie returns and recommend movies with all the pretty girls in them.

You look outstanding my love.

*stops* Really?

Yes really *kisses y/n*

 Even with the wig?

Even with the wig. 

But about those movie recommendations, do you have any?

Well, I do have a few.

 Have you heard of Pitch Perfect?

I can't say I have.

Oh, then you are missing out.

It sounds crazy when I describe it but it's about college acapella teams they're really funny movies.

 They aren't new exactly they're actually a few years old. In the second one, they introduce a pretty hot new character though.

Oh yeah? Who is it?

The lead female singer of a rival german acapella team called Das sound machine.


But If Accapella isn't your thing and sci-fi and action are might I suggest Bumblebee? Or Three days to kill.

Both have pretty hot moms.

I don't like action or acapella...

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