After we met

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8:00 am

Hey, I just now saw your messages they're sweet.

Anyway, the shoot isn't scheduled till 2 pm but I'm showing up early with lunch. I'm thinking around 11 so we can eat and I can get my hair and makeup done after. 

Hopefully spending the day with me yesterday didn't scare you of and you'll be down to hang out while I get all that done. I know it can get boring sometimes just sitting there while they're working on me. I'd love to keep talking with you though, if you want too of course no pressure!

As for the food, it'll be a surprise. All you need to know is it's from a cute little spot that I love. 

9:00 am

Y/n you alive?

Scanning for life.....

Scan results inconclusive


Hey I just ordered lunch I'm on schedule to be there by 11

My god you can really sleep.


It's me!

Can you please let me in?

Ok we're gonna have to do this the hard way then

Hailee knocks on the door and y/n answers the door 

Hailee, I've been waiting for you to get ahold of me!

You what now? 

oh, and you brought food, MEXICAN sweet my favorite!

y/n im glad you like the food selection but I've been trying to text you all morning...

oh yeah about that my phone died and I left the charger in the Bronco yesterday.

 So any texts and calls you tried to make I didn't get.

So you mean to tell me that you only travel with one charging cord?

Normally? no.

 I have multiple of the same chargers one for AirPods, the watch, and the phone there are a lot of cords so many cords. But this trip I only brought my watch and phone the laptop and my camera gear and all of those chargers are all different and as far as going down to the lobby to get a new one... well I didn't wanna pay that much for a charger to add to the pile of maybe 20 I have back home.

Well, I always travel with at least two so here is one that you can keep. Please god don't forget this one anywhere.

Had me thinking you saw what you got yourself into and left.

I was thinking the same.

Well that's not the case.

So I'm assuming you dropped by early to have lunch are you taking off after to get your hair and makeup done?

Well about that I was going to have the hair and makeup team come here and I was hoping you'd hang with me while I get glammed up. and after that's done we could go to the place we're doing the shoot together, it gets kinda boring just sitting there getting glammed. There's only so much scrolling through texts emails and social media someone can do before they ask you to look up.

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