The Announcement

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Hey have you even called your family?

Like we're on the way to the store already it might be important to call them.


You know what just send a text in the family chat.

I would but my phone isn't connected to the car's Bluetooth.

Yeah, I can but is that really how you want to invite them over?

Look I know it isn't ideal.

However, if we call, they'll know something is up.

Good point.

 I'll send a text then.

While we wait for a reply, we can enjoy our ride down the coast.

Yes, we can. *kisses Hailee's cheek*

*Reaches over and clicks radio on*

I've been looking for a driver who is qualified...

Haha what are the odds that Shut up and Drive is the first song that plays.

I don't know. *Ears turn red*

Are you lying?

What makes you say that?

Your ears, they're red.

Thats just an old wife's tale, there's no way that any of that is actually true.

Uh huh sure, then why is your voice higher and squeakier?

*Clears throat* Puberty?

Yeah, because puberty somehow missed you.

A woman on the itty-bitty titty committee can hope.

IBTC or not I love them just the same.

Ok so maybe I did tell a little white lie my phone is connected but it just takes way too long to send a text that is right.

Or you have a side chick, and you don't want your texts read out loud. *giggles*

I fully know you are joking but I would be the biggest idiot on earth if I ever did that.

I see that face your making you can agree with me.

Damn right you would be the biggest idiot.

You'd still be my idiot though.

I love you.

I know I don't say it nearly as often as I should.

And I love you.

We've had a full-blown conversation have you heard anything back from the Fam bam.

  Well Mom Dad said yes

Griffin unfortunately said...

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