It's nice to be home

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Hailee woke up earlier than both y/n and Zander and decided to get dressed and pick up the popcorn bowl and all the empty drink containers.

Aww Definitely getting a picture of this for me. Y/n is so good with Zander, makes me miss my younger family members. Well, I'm gonna pick up this bowl from our popcorn and Z's Capri sun packs and our soda cans.

*walks out to the kitchen*

C: Oh hey sweetie, hope you don't mind me calling you that.

Oh no, I don't mind at all. I just wanted to bring this out and ask if you recycle?

C: Oh yeah it's the blue bin under the sink.

A: Oh hey Hailee you wanna help me make some pancakes and bacon for breakfast.

Yeah, I'd actually love to help! Is there an apron for me?

A: Well it's not an apron it's the chef coat I had customized for y/n but I think you can be my honorary little miss this morning. What do you say Hailee?

I'd say you can call me little miss this morning.

A: Wonderfull now y/n mentioned you don't like grease and oil pops so Do you want to take over pancakes?

Sure can sound great to me, is there a recipe or are we doing some Bisquick box mix or the add water shaker mix.

A: Well do this box mix right here and add a teaspoon each of cinnamon and vanilla in addition to what's on the box

Alright sounds great I can do that.

A: Hey Christi can you join us in the kitchen here in a few minutes with the eggs?

C: sure thing honey.

So did you make breakfasts like this often?

A: oh yeah every weekend the little miss and I made breakfasts. It was usually breakfast burritos, Waffles, Pancakes, and french toast. Her favorite was these pancakes here, I can bet you as soon as that batter there hits the griddle y/n is gonna come walking down that halway.


A: Yeah the weekends I made breakfasts alone the smell of those suckers woke her up.

Haha, it'll be odd to be on this side of the equation usually she is the one who wakes me up with the smell of yummy breakfasts.

A: Really? Haha, that girl of mine takes after me, I always told her I made her mom breakfasts in bed when we were first married, and her mom was pregnant with her. Gifts are the way I show my love and when you don't have tons of cash when you are young.So making Christi's favorite foods were my way of giving her the gifts she rightfully deserved.

That's so sweet, it explains why y/n makes me breakfast like that so often.

C: He can say that but I still say he was fattening me up. But either way, I still love him the same.

How long have you guys been together?

C: 20 years

A: It's actually 23 since y/n is 22, feels like it was just yesterday we said I do, and found out about our little miss and brought her home. But in reality it's been 23 years, and now she's bringing her lovely partner home. So trust me when I say time flies by.

Yeah, I hear you there, while it's only been 3 months which is nothing compared to you and christi. I understand though i mean the two weeks she spent at my house have only felt like a few days.*pours batter on pan*

A: well you can take what I say with a grain of salt but y/n has always been a happy kid,well a happy adult now. But ever since she's started talking to you there's a different glow in her eyes. and her smile that was already from ear to ear somehow got bigger and brighter with you here. So if you're trying to see if I'm going to have the typical conversation a dad has with the person their kid is dating I've seen all I need to see to know you are one of the good ones.

And here I was scared shitless to come and meet you because of how much y/n, your daughter means to me.

A: wow I had kate bishop shitting her pants. Well kid your alright but my advice flip the pancake a little sooner on the next one.

oh no the pancakes!*flips it* ok this isn't terrible I wouldn't eat it personally.

C: It's fine baby we can give it to ash when we finish eating.

*Yawns* Is Hailee out here she's not in the room. Did Dad make pancakes I smell cinnamon?

Your dad is making some bacon I am in charge of the family recipe for pancakes. That sounds worse now that I said it outloud.

Hey, I'm sure you're doing fine, I can fire up another pan and help you so we can get through the batter faster.

A: No no as much as I am glad you are home you will not make all the meals you're going to a barbeque today for the rest of the family you will not make breakfast go get out go hang out with Zander.

Hahaha, now I know why she shoo's people away with spatulas.

A: Yeah as she would say she learned it from the best

Allen and Hailee finish making breakfast and call everyone to the table to eat a feast of toast, pancakes, bacon, and eggs.

A: Now I'm not a very religious man but I just want to say before we dig in. It's nice to have my little family here. My wife, my little miss, Hailee, and yes you to zander my crazy little nephew.

Well, Dad what can I say it's nice to be home. Thank you for letting me come and stay here and for being so welcoming to Hailee she means a lot to me.

A: I know kiddo, I know.

Z: can we eat now?

A: Well yeah let's dig in everyone. Can you pass the syrup?

The family finishes up their breakfast and begin to clean up the kitchen.

Hey we have a strip of bacon a bite or two of scrambled eggs left and a burnt pancake, What should we do with it?

Oh you know what put it on a paper plate. I'm gonna let Ash in fair warning she might try to knock you flat on your ass and attack you with kisses.

Yeah right it can't be that bad!

Oh no she's a German Shepard and shes pretty big so if she can nearly knock me down she might knock you down. Hold on I'll go grab her and put her on her leash.

Ok I'll put her food on the table.

Woah girl okay she's on her leash okay ash come on be gentle this is Hailee.

Oh my goodness come here ash you look so pretty!*pets ash and feeds her the leftovers*

Well you are the first person that she hasn't gone crazy trying to kiss. She was shockingly calm with you.

Your a sweet girl aren't you?

Do you want to go and play fetch or tug of war with her?

Of course I do!

Well lets go and lay with her for a little bit until i need to work on the food for the bbq

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