Don't Tell y/n

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Are you sure you'll be okay without me this weekend?

Yes, I will manage to function. *Wheels a suitcase out to the car*

*Puts the suitcase in y/n's trunk*

I already do when I'm away for work so I'm sure I'll be fine with you being a few hours away down the coastline.

That's what you say now.

Besides, I'll gladly take two days apart over the weeks anyway.

You're right if you fall apart while I'm away for two days I might just have to laugh at that.

You would laugh but you would find it sweet at the end of the day.

Maybe I'll just stay?

Look *takes y/n's hands* I will be fine.

You go and enjoy the girl's weekend with your bestie. You deserve the getaway and the much-needed time to catch up with her.

But what if I just want to stay with you instead maybe you should come.

As lovely as that sounds I will not make your friend third wheel.

*Opens up the car door for y/n*

What if we talk shit about you?

While I haven't met your friend, but you tend to befriend and surround yourself with good people.

What are you getting at?

Well, should you end up shit-talking about me I would probably deserve it but it's not likely.

You would be right about that. I was just being facetious.

So, your friend, ivy? I got her name right, right?

Yes, you did.

Well, you told Ivy you were leaving the house an hour ago so as much as I would love for you to stay.

I also want you to get in this car and go spend some time with your lifelong bestie.

Well, she knows I tend to run late... 

But you do have a point I should get going. *Kisses Hailee and gets in the car*

I'll be back at the end of the weekend.

Enjoy your weekend.

Don't burn the house down with that air fryer.

I promise I won't.

Hailee waves to y/n as she backs out of the garage and pulls out of the driveway. Y/n and ivy's annual beach trip couldn't have come at a better time. Their trip would give Hailee the time she needed to call Christi and finish planning y/n's birthday surprise. And Hailee wasted no time as soon as Y/n was out of sight Hailee dialed Christi.

*Phone dials*

Hailee! Are you already missing my little girl?

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