Afternoon on the Town

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Guess what my love?

This breakfast is Delicious!

It is. Such a worthy cheat meal.

Oh! and since we got up so early we still have 5 hours till we leave.

 enough time for a picnic or round 2, I am down for either.

As great as that sounds I'm still recovering from the first round love.

I was actually going to say that today marks one month since we started talking to each other.

If you took note of the exact day we started texting...

 I think I'm gonna need to rethink this whole relationship, babe.

No, I didn't take note of it.

I actually took a picture of my plate because this meal is so Instagram-worthy. Anyway my phone was showing me my last month in photos. 

Okay and?

Well you see this plate of vodka penne was what I had on that date that I thought went so well.

That was exactly a month ago. Well yesterday it was but you get the idea.

It's funny to think that I almost ghosted that guy too. The butterfly effect is insane if you think about it.

If you had told me that night that I'd currently be sitting here, more or less in the same spot I sat at when I got that text a month later but I'd be dating Hailee Steinfeld I'd say you were smoking the good shit.

I'd also ask for whatever it was you where smoking if that was the reality they saw.

Honestly so would I. 

I really was ready to commit to the crazy Yorkie lady bit, just me, teenie, and Brando living the life!

Traveling from set to set. Movie to movie.

So my beautiful Yorkie Lady, what should we do to celebrate our one month of knowing each other? 

I would suggest a picnic in the park right by the pond. Since bread isn't good for the ducks I've invested in the feed that they can have. Feel free to stop me at any point if you want to do something else.

My love that sounds wonderful, there's only one problem I can't keep myself off of you.

And that's a problem?

No, that's not it, I just...

I think I get it...

NO, it's not that I truly do love you! 

Hold on.

 Calm down for me.

There's no need to freak out around me.

 ok, breathe in, great now breathe out. It's the idea of potential paparazzi and "fans" that could potentially leak our relationship right?


are you mad?

That I can't go out and feed the cute ducks with you.

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