The First Date

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y/n like many other mornings found herself laying awake in bed before Hailee had gotten up. But this morning was different because y/n had decided to put lots of trust in Hailee's biological clock. With roughly 2 hours until hailee woke up, y/n decided to dig through her nightstand and pull out that small satin pouch again. The exact same pouch that she had pulled out of her pants pocket on their anniversary trip.

*looking at the ring* Well I didn't give you to her on our anniversary...

Who knows maybe today is the day.

Only time will tell.

*begins to move around in the bed*

*shoves the ring back in the pouch puts it away and cuddles back up with Hailee*

*starts to stretch*

Good Morning beautiful.

*kisses Hailee on the neck*

Oh no.

*sits up in bed and looks out of the windows*

Are you doing an early wakeup for my birthday too?


I'm not it's only about 7 am.

I know better than that.

*yawning* It's still kind of early.

I could treat myself and go back to bed for another hour or so.

Well if you want to go right on ahead.

But you're already up.

What would you do while I slept?

The things I normally do? Maybe make some breakfast take the little ones in the yard sip on some core.

Alright alright, I get it no need to keep going.

Anyways, I'm perfectly fine continuing to spoon you while you sleep.

That is if you want to go back to sleep.

Today is your day after all.

We get to do what you say today.

*rolls over to face y/n*

You should be careful with that phrasing...

Says the one who set up a recovery period from our anniversary trip.

I was going to make a bank robbery joke.

I mean you spotted the perfect bank to hit when we went Ice skating.

Ok I really do love you but committing crime is where I draw the line.

You're no fun.

Not fun? Jail is not fun.

*grinning ear to ear* Okay if you say so...

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