The Reception

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Even if I was the only girl to fall for that extremely cheesy line I'm glad I fell for it.

So am I.

*kisses y/n*

Now that the I do's are done how are you feeling?

Feeling like the luckiest girl in the world. *kisses Hailee*

I don't think I've ever felt this at peace in life.

And that is saying a lot.

Considering you are always thinking of how everything could go wrong.

I'm glad for once you arent though.

I am too.

Now that the wedding planning is behind us  I think I'll find myself feeling like this alot more often.

Now that you know how im feeling, how are you feeling?

 You looked like you didn't know if you wanted to cry, throw up, or run away earlier.

Hey you did too.

I know I was bad enough to have to call you.

Seriously though how are you feeling?

I feel amazing.

Thank you for asking....

I also feel like I could use a fucking drink!

*digs through suit jacket*

About that.


Yeah give me a second.


Hold on, I have limited motion in this suit.

Well for the moment I do.

Did you smuggle a drink in your suit?


I smuggled a few but is it really smuggling if we payed for the drinks already?

I mean you have to have smuggled them.

I can't imagine you just waltzed up to a bartender and asked for drinks before the ceremony.

Okay, so maybe I smuggled some celebratory drinks.

When did you find time to pack these?

Well, I took them to cool myself down after the first look and they are still cold.

So if you are at all interested I have a Heineken for you.

 And a Heineken for me.

I know it's not the core water but it's our wedding day.

Y/n offers a can of Heineken to hailee who ends up taking the can while scanning it up and down while being surprised by how cold the can still is.

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