The Next Chapter

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With the holidays behind them and the new year in full swing, Hailee and y/n decided to get a head start on their spring cleaning. Hailee had mentioned that having the house clean usually helped her in having a clear mind. And that was exactly what she would need to start mood boarding their wedding. So y/n got up and started to clear the house of all of the trash and junk that lingered from the holidays. She took out all of the wrapping paper in trash bags and threw it in the bins it belonged in and collapsed all of the cardboard boxes and crammed as many as possible into the recycle bin. By the time y/n was done Hailee was up and making brunch.

*walking in and sitting at the kitchen island*

So the house is all clean, and everything has a home.

Yeah, I noticed you took the Christmas decorations down.

I would have helped you if I had known you were doing all that today.

Oh no it's okay *kisses Hailee*

Baby, are you sure? 

The house looked like Christmas threw up all over it.

That was way too much for just you to put away.

Really it's ok, I wanted to do this for you.

But I did more than just the Christmas stuff I cleaned the whole house.


I mean I was already straightening stuff up and putting things where they where before the holidays.

You cleaned up the entire house?

Well maybe cleaned is a bit too much credit.

 I just straightened things up and did some dusting where it needed it.

The only thing I have to do is put the collapsed cardboard boxes into the recycle bin.

I shoved all I could in there already.

That's sweet.

*looks down at the food in the frying pan*

uh, I made brunch?

I can see you made brunch! *giggles*

I truly hope this is a good enough reward for all the work you put in.

I know it's not easy to keep this place clean.

Oh yeah, you making breakfast burritos is such a good reward.

*pulling a container out of fridge* WITH Salsa.

Oh, I could march right down to that courthouse right now and marry you.

*stops rolling burrito to look at y/n*

You deserve more than a courthouse wedding.

*passes y/n a burrito*

Okay, I won't but you get the idea.

I put in hard work and you are ready with a lovely burrito with my name on it.

*starts to eat the burrito*

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