Big Sur(prise)

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Hailee had yet again, found herself waking up far too early. Today there was no real reason for her to be up before the sun had even risen. Hailee didn't have to get y/n up early the trip to Big Sur wasn't as heavily scheduled they would simply do whatever looked fun. This next day and a half in Big Sur would be the calm before the storm of the Eras tour. Hailee snapped out of her planning mode realizing she wasn't going back to bed and just laid there looking at y/n. She ran her fingertips along her shoulder and down her arm before landing a kiss on her forehead.

Well, good morning to you too.

Hailee wrapped her arms around y/n's neck and brought her in closer and just embraced her without saying a word.

Did you have another bad dream?

That is the only time you're ever this quiet and reserved in the morning.

No, I'm just taking this moment in.

What the moment you woke me up?

No this.

This entire trip.

The love I currently feel for you.

Hailee softly kisses y/n's forehead again and runs her fingers through Y/n's still very long curly Hair.

God, I am so excited to take you to Big Sur.

Y/n perked her head up and looked Hailee in the eyes.

Did you say, Big Sur?


I've been a handful of times and I really think it's somewhere you'd like to explore.

I was thinking we could go on a hike maybe hit up so-

Before Hailee could even finish telling y/n the plans for Big Sur she was up and out of bed and getting herself ready for the day. It turns out that y/n had also been to Big Sur quite a bit when she was younger but hadn't been able to go and visit as much as she wanted with school and all of the moving she had done in the past few years.

To Hailee's surprise, the whole trip to Big Sur would actually be hijacked by y/n but she didn't mind. This was how the trip was supposed to be the both of them choosing fun little spots to stop. Although y/n would not let Hailee forget that she had only ever been to the more well-known cafes and shops there. Which in y/n's opinion were good but could be great. Y/n was able to show Hailee all of the smaller mom-and-pop shops in the area and various hole-in-the-wall stops Hailee had never heard of there.

Between cafe stops, window shopping, and general sightseeing they made sure to take plenty of time to go on a hike. Taking a trail that wasn't very far from where they were staying. When the sun began to set on their first day there y/n took Hailee down an old rarely-taken path that y/n and her grandparents had taken years before. It was between a now barely visible opening in the trees and at the end of the pather there was a clearing where they could lay and gaze at the stars.

I hate to admit it but you planned a better day than I did.


Yeah, you chose all the little hidden gems here.

I still can't believe Big Sur trips weren't mentioned when I talked with your grandparents.

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