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"Open your eyes, it's time to grow up.. All this useless chatting and laughing are just childish behavior, trying to hide yourself behind this smiley you drew on your face."

Hoseok stared at the other, looking a little down and sighting out a bit frustrated, while Jimin now furrowed his eyebrows and pushed a finger against Hoseoks chest.

"You.. You, finally have to realize, that life isn't fair."

".. Jimin.. I don't have to tell me that I'm childish.. Maybe I am! But at least I'm trying and I.. I forgot my text sorry." Hoseok apologized sighting a bit and bowing a little to the staff.

"Ahhhh! That take would've been perfect Hobi! My acting was so on point." Jimin smiled, patting Hoseoks shoulder.

"Sorry sorry, I was just so caught up that I kinda forgot my text in that moment." Hoseok smiled a bit, nudging Jimins shoulder.

A very dramatic acting for some kind of music video.
Yoongi was allowed to watch, sitting on the side and watching everything happening.

It was kinda interesting to watch how those videos were actually made, and it also was pretty cool to see professionals work.

Five minutes later, and they finally got the take.
In the small break and Jimin and Hoseok of course walked towards Yoongi, again clinging onto the smaller and trying to get his attention.

"We did well didn't we?" jimin asked

"Mhm" only a approving hum.

"So what about the outfit? Looks good doesn't it?" Hoseok asked, taking a step back to give Yoongi again a nice view.

"My outfit is just as cool!" Jimin said also stepping back and doing a small spin, staring at Yoongi like Hoseok and nudging his side a bit, both of them kind of ending up hitting each others arms.

"Fucking idiots.." Yoongi mumbled quietly, shaking his head.

".. Would you like to go out with me after this?" Hoseok asked after another few seconds, leaving Jimin to again move closer to Yoongi and lean a bit down to him.

"Go out? Where exactly? Doing what?" Yoongi asked a bit sceptical, crossing his arms.

Hoseok, stared at the smaller, not wanting to say anything wrong now that Yoongi might actually consider it.

"eating.. Chi-.. I mean.. Hotpot..? Yes hotop!" Hoseok said once seeing Yoongi loosen his arms a bit at the idea.

"Hotpot..?.. I can live with that." Yoongi agreed, looking back to jimin who looked kind of betrayed at Hoseok.

"Let's go out tomorrow then!" Jimin said, pushing Hoseok to the side and smiling a bit more as Yoongi nodded his head.

There he sat, opposite of Hoseok who kept glancing at him and spoke every now and then while eating.

It was pretty chill, not a lot happening actually.

"So.. Since we're alone right now.. What happened that night you spend at Jins? You don't have to tell me every detail, I'm simply a bit curious what actually happened."

".. I needed some advice.. That's it" Yoongi answered, taking the last sip of his drink.

"Advice.. I guess he really is good at giving advice. He does have the most life experience from all of us, very sincere and probably also the most knowledge about omegas in general.. I mean apart from Tae, he probably has the most knowledge about omegas in that one specific topic.. Not that I'm inexperienced! I'm simply-"

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