Is Sija

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"Yoongi baby~ time to wake up" a happy voice could be heard, leaning over Yoongis bed and staring at the omega who was cuddled tightly in the blanket.

"Mhm.. One more hour.."

"God are you cute.. But I can't let you sleep more today. You promised to go out with us today and we had to reserve the whole place for us."

"Not my fault that you're famous" Yoongi sighed, leaning a bit up and rubbing his eyes, not even minding when Hoseok suddenly picked him up and pushed a few kisses over his face.

"True, but your own fault that you promised it."

Sitting on the table, Hoseok besides him while Jungkook and Taehyung made breakfast, Namjoon staring at his phone and Jimin who walked in the kitchen just as sleepy as Yoongi.

A small look around and Yoongi could look at everyone, apart from Jin.
He hadn't seen the male in a while, he wasn't the type to miss others easily or show it, but in that moment he kind of did miss Jin and how he scolded the other's sometimes for their stupid bullshit.

Sitting besides Jungkook and Jimin in the car, both clinging onto him and holding onto his hands.

It surely was difficult to deal with all of them. Especially on a trip where everyone was included.
Even a simple trip to the cinema and they fought each other for who got to sit besides Yoongi.

"But I'm older!"

"Yeah fuck that! I'm his mate!"

"I'm his mate too Tae! That doesn't mean he has to sit besides you!"

"Huh!? Who asked you kid!?"

"I'm no kid Jimin! You're the one who's the size of one!"

"But you act like a kid right now" Hoseok mumbled, Namjoon nudging his shoulder and quickly moving in between Jungkook and Jimin after both started yelling some cuss words at each other.

Yoongi simply sat down while they argued, the first to notice being Taehyung who now simply sat down as well besides Yoongi and took one of his hands to push a small kiss on it.

"It's a bit messy right now, but it's gonna be more fun later." The alpha quietly spoke, staring at Yoongi who tried to somehow keep himself entertained and distracted from the arguing.

Taehyung quick enough to notice, swiftly leaning closer to the smaller to then push a few kisses on his neck.

"God damn do you smell good.. Pretty little-"

"Asshole! How can you just sit down while we're arguing? Even going for it now!? " Jimin said a bit upset, pointing around in all directions, Hoseok trying not to laugh at his outburst, Namjoon being pretty much done with them after trying to calm them down and just sitting down besides Yoongi as well, Hoseok stopping his laugh to now stare at Namjoon, both staring at each other, silently fighting for the seat besides Yoongi.

However a small whine distracted both of them, staring at Yoongi who was trying his best to push Tae off who kept nibbling and sucking on his neck like some kind of vampire.

"Ahh! Tae enough now!" Hoseok said a bit louder, pushing Taehyung off the omega.

"But I just started!"

"Fuck no! Keep quiet and watch the damn movie" Jungkook mumbled, sitting down as well eventually and crossing his arms.

Silently watching the movie, the smaller being fed some popcorn by Taehyung, some gummy bears by Namjoon, sometimes sipping from his drink.

Just 20 minutes of the movie and Yoongi slowly started to feel bored.
The movie wasn't as interesting as he thought and he now just felt a bit unsatisfied and uninterested in the end.

A look towards Taehyung who was staring intensely at the scenes and was pretty much invested in the movie, before his eyes moved towards Namjoon who somehow seemed just as uninterested in the movie as Yoongi.

Hand moving to carefully pull on Namjoons shirt to get his attention, the taller turning his head around immediately and staring at the smaller as if to ask what he wanted.

The omega though, said nothing and only kept staring at Namjoon as if expecting the taller to somehow entertain him.

A short silence, both doing nothing until Namjoon leant a bit over to take one of his hands and push a few small kisses on it before again looking towards the screen again.

The omega kept staring at Namjoon, eventually having enough after nearly falling asleep and silently making his way out of the room.

They really had rented that damn whole room of many just to watch a movie together and not get bothered because of Jimins and Hoseok fans who may could've recognized them.

Hell did he like the two but fuck was it complicated dating an idol.
No public dating, not being able to go out to public spaces together and being nervous whenever he just walked close to them outside because of paparazzi or crazy fans.

A trip to the bathroom, splashing some water in his face and trying to somehow wake himself back up after he was half asleep just a minute ago.

Two hands on his hips, not really bothered by it at all since he was so used to it by now until he dried his face and looked in the mirror to realize that it wasn't even any of his boys.

So what did he do?
Exactly, out of reflex turning around in an instant and slap the guy.

Worked out pretty good. At least for an few seconds before both Yoongi and the stranger made eye contact again and stared at each other for an very awkward moment.

Neither of them said a word, just staring, the smaller slowly trying to make his way out of the bathroom not really sure what to even say anymore.

Now he was already mated and still some fuckers tried some shit.

Walking back out, taking a deep breath and shaking his head.
"I'm gonna fucking kill those alphas one day.."

Meanwhile Namjoon was starting to wonder why Yoongi was taking so long, looking around to see Taehyung still invested in the movie, Hoseok and Jimin who kept trying to throw gummy bears in each other's mouths and Jungkook sleeping.

Second life/ Omegaverse Bottom YoongiHikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin