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In Namjoons room, being put down on his bed, just staring up at the taller who now stood there with crossed arms.

Both not saying anything for an moment, Yoongi eventually letting out a small sigh.

"Come on.. It's not my fault! They kept annoying me!"

"Even if they kept annoying you, playing around like that isn't good for any of us. I know that they can be a lot but messing with their hormones and making them fight each other is a bit too much in my opinion."

Yoongi now being silent again, just looking down at his thighs a but guilty.

A small sigh leaving Namjoons lips as he looked down at the omega.

He couldn't be upset at Yoongi, especially since he knew that all of them were a handful to handle and it wasn't very easy with them most of the times.

"..Well.. Now that that's settled let's talk about something else" Namjoon spoke, trying to make the mood a little more comfortable.

"There's an upcoming business trip I have to go on soon.. I really wish I could take you with me but the others for sure wouldn't let me"

"Another business trip?"

"Yeah.. I'm a CEO, there are quite a few business trips I have to go on regarding my company."

A small smile on Namjoons lips, leaning down towards Yoongi, slowly moving to push him back onto the bed and lean above him.

"I see.. Uh.. For how long this time?"

"About a week"

"A WEEK!?"

Namjoons eyes wide at the sudden loud voice, before he started to chuckle a bit.

"Calm down baby.. if you miss me we can always call each other."

"That's not really what I'm worried about.. You're just one of the most reliable people here and I'm not sure if I can handle their asses as easy without you.. A whole week is a lot." Yoongi explained.

"Oh.. Uh well. You still got Jin don't you? He's also taking good care of you and he's good at managing the other's."

"Well yes but.. He's sometimes so busy with the coffee shop. He can't be home all day to watch the other's."

"I guess.. I see what you mean.. It's gonna be fine though. Trust me."

A small peck on Yoongis lips, followed by a smile and convinced the omega was.


Easy peasy, some quick small kisses all over Yoongis face, the smaller smiling a bit as Namjoon kept going and chuckled himself at the omegas reactions.

"I think you need a few more kisses here.. And here.. Over here as well~"

"No Joon stop it. It's enough."

"Oh really? Your cute smile tells me something else."

A small chuckle, the omega not being able to stop smiling as the taller kept pushing small kisses on his cheeks.

"Hey you two lovebirds sorry to disturb you but Jin called that he's gonna be home late today.. So wanna order some food? Jimin asked in the door, looking at be two on the bed, who looked at each other before both nodding at the same time.

"Hm.. How about chick-"

"Dumplings!" Taehyungs voice could be heard from behind jimin out of nowhere.

"Chicken, dumplings.."

"noodles?" Yoongi asked looking at the two in the doorway who simple hummed and then ordered on jimins phone

It really was a nice evening.

Just the five of them, Jungkook and Jin sadly being busy with something that evening.

Just eating, cuddling and Taehyungs and Jimins stupid jokes.

Well.. It was kinda amazing until Jimin had the brilliant idea to get some drinks out.

So there they were, drinking their liver to death.

Drink after drink, Hoseok laying eventually half dead on the ground and staring at the ceiling in silence, Namjoon singing his heart out as the tv played some music video in the background, Jimin laying half asleep on the couch, yet giggling at Namjoon silliness whilst Taehyung and Yoongi both played a stupid game, flicking their finger against the other's forehead whenever someone lost.

That was until the omega let out a pained whine as Taehyung flicked his forehead a bit too hard, immediately catching the attention of Namjoon and Hoseok.

"awwww Was it too hard? Sorry baby~" Taehyung quickly apologized, though kept chuckling at Yoongis small pout.

"You're being so mean.. Our precious little omega! Look at this face! This face you just dared to hurt!" Namjoon said, cupping Yoongis face with his hands and looking back at Tae who let out a small sigh.

"dramatic Joon.. My baby is all fine." Taehyung mumbled, pulling Yoongi closer to himself to then give his cheeks a small squeeze

"See~ all good"

"He's not just your baby.. My baby as well" Hoseok mumbled as he slowly leant up and moved to wrap his arms around the omega who could only let out a small sigh at all of this.

A small peck on his lips from Taehyung, followed by Namjoon and Hoseok joining in as well.

Jungkook and Jin standing both in the doorway, eyes around the room, Jin trying to hold back a small smile as he saw most of them bundled up around the omega, sleeping peacefully on the ground.

Dragging them all to their rooms wasn't easy, but they managed it.

"Did you carry Yoongi back to his room?" Jin whispered, Jungkook just staring at the older before slowly nodding his head as if a bit unsure.

"Okay.. Let's hope not all of them have a hangover tomorrow." Jin mumbled going back to his room.

Jungkook meanwhile going also inside his room, a small smile on his lips as he looked at the sleeping omega in his bed.

A small lie wouldn't hurt.

The omega after all was safe in his room and Jungkook finally got the omega close to him again to cuddle.

It really was a nice night for Jungkook.

The morning wasn't that nice however when he woke up to a grumbling Yoongi who seemed like he was having a headache that could kill.

The same however for the other's, apart from Jimin though who luckily didn't drink as much since he mostly just laid half asleep on the couch.

( not sure for how long I'm gonna keep this story going lmao it's pretty much done atp Ig? Perhaps im gonna focus on my other stories
Tbh I'm intruiged to even start writing another one Cuz hybrid stories are cool af and a bunny hybrid koo would be so fecking entertaining when paired with a grumpy Yoongi :') rip)

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