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There he sat, besides the young alpha who was having his usual bunny smile on his lips as he kept playing with Yoongis hands.

Honestly Yoongi still was sick of all of this affection.

Sick how he couldn't get time for himself, but at least the bunny boy wasn't talking much and didn't cross his boundaries like some of the others who just seemed awfully touchy.

Since one hour they now already sat there, Jungkook seeming awfully pleased by this and that his hyung let him spend time with him.

As much as Yoongi adored how happy the bunny boy seemed, he just wanted to for once lay alone in his bed and chill his life and properly think after everything that happened.

"Yoongi? How about we-"


"But I didn't even tell you what I wanna do yet." Namjoon said a bit irritated as he stood in the door, watching Jungkook as if to check that they wouldn't do anything.

"I don't care.. I'm busy right now" Yoongi mumbled a bit tired, Namjoon looking a bit unsure at him before he let out a small sigh.

"I guess then I have to go grab some coffee from Jin on my own."

Now the omega started to listen.
Not only because of coffee but also because Jin was mentioned and he hadn't had the chance yet to talk to the male since he was awfully busy at the coffee shop.

"Wait Joon! I wanna join you"

A small smile on Namjoon lips as Yoongi stood up and left Jungkook with a pout on his lips.

"Kook we can continue cuddling later" A few words before Yoongi hurried off after namjoon.

He wanted to visit the coffee shop, but every time he tried one of them ended up snatching him or keeping him busy.

This was definitely the chance he had waited for.

Hand in hand the two walked, the coffee shop being busy as usual, a line forming in front of the counter and orders coming in every minute.

Jin and some other employees rushing around to make orders, namjoon meanwhile ordering while Yoongi had to wait on one of the small tables.

Sitting on the table, sipping his coffee and tapping his finger around on the mug as he watched Jin as if to wait for the perfect timing to talk to him.

"Baby.. You're staring at him." Namjoon suddenly said, Yoongi quickly turning his head to stop staring and again take a sip of his coffee.

"I was just.. Watching a bit."

"I see.. So how about we go on a walk after this?"

".. Could I stay here?"

"Here? But it's nearly lunchtime and I can't just leave you here all by yourself."

"Im not on my own. Jin is here after all." Yoongi now argued, leaning back and pouting a bit.


"Come on, please Joonie. Let me stay with Jin for now."

A sigh and namjoon had to give up.
As much as he wanted to take Yoongi with him again he couldn't say no to his own omega if he wanted something.

"Okay.. But only because you asked me so nicely and I want something in return."

".. Like what?"

"A kiss"

Easy deal.
A peck on Namjoons lips, the taller smiling a bit satisfied before leaving after a few minutes.

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