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"jimin just fucking relax. He's not dying.. Just.. Bring this inside and that's it." Jin said looking at the beta who looked a bit hesitant at Jin.

Jungkook had called Jimin, the male quickly having made his way there to make sure really everything was fine.

He didn't expect to be now involved in any of that.
"Wait wait but I-"

"You're an beta, come on. You're better at resisting him than us if it comes to that."

"Doenst he have any omega friends? Don't they normally take care of eachother?"

"I don't know!" Jin said honestly not sure about that either and just pushing a bottle of water and some snacks in Jimins hands before holding his breath opening the door and pushing the smaller in.

Jimin now stood inside the room, eyes wide as he tried to relax himself and just get this done quickly.

He tried his best to ignore Yoongi and put the things down near Yoongi before quickly rushing back out and sighting.


"Damn indeed." Jungkook said, looking at Jimin.

A few more seconds and suddenly someone enthusiastically knocked on the door, well more like smashing his hands against it.

Jin widened his eyes looking towards Jimin.
"Did you tell Hoseok!?"

"He's my dorm mate what the fuck was I supposed to do!?" Jimin said and then looked at them.

Jin quickly let the alpha in, having to frown as Hoseok just rushed inside the apartment and looked pretty worried around.

"Is he fine!? How's he doing?"

"He's in his damn heat Hobi what do you think how he's doing?" Jimin asked a bit sarcastically and leant against the wall staring at the door, Hoseok now staring as well.

"Okay, now everyone get away from that door!Inside the living room and don't fucking dare telling another soul of his heat!" Jin said a bit louder only for Hoseok to look a bit apologizing to jin.

"I already told Taehyung though"


"I told Namjoon" Jungkook now admitted, Jin looking a bit annoyed at them


"Well Namjoon is his boss.. He should know if he isn't at work right?" Jungkook asked. At least that was a good reason.

"I thought it was only fair. After all of we know why shouldn't Tae know?" hobi now asked sitting down on the couch and crossing his arms.

So what happened after that?
You could've guessed it.
There Namjoon and Taehyung also arrived both standing inside the living room and looking just as stressed as the other's.

"So he's gonna stay here the whole week? And you really are sure you are able to take care of him?" Namjoon asked, Jin looking a bit offended.

"Of course! A bit help from Jimin and everything's fine" Jin said and then looked towards Jungkook who fiddled around with his fingers.

"shouldn't we tell them..?"

"Tell us what?" Taehyung asked, looking at Jungkook and then at Jin.

Now everyone's focus was on Jin and Jungkook, the oldest sitting there for an second in silence.

He really hoped they'd take it in good and not make a scene now.

"He accepted me to be his alpha."

Another silence, everyone being quiet and the first one to speak up was jimin.

"..and.. Since when?"


"Bad timing." Hoseok mumbled, sighting out.

"And.. Did he say anything else? Is he just gonna accept you?" Namjoon asked, clenching his jaw and taking a deep breath to relax and not overreact.

"I.. He seemed to think of accepting more than one. He at least asked me if I'd be fine with it." Jin answered honestly, rubbing his arm and looking around them.

"so.. He's still thinking about accepting someone else? That's a relief." Hoseok mumbled, looking at Taehyung who hasn't said anything yet.

"You're good?" Hoseok asked, looking at the younger who glared a bit at Jin only to let out a small sight and shake his head.

"This isn't fair.. Yesterday hm? I shouldn't have told him that you're from an wealthy family. That's probably what made him realize that you're not such a bad pick."

"Are you implying that he choose me because of my families wealth?" Jin asked, kinda pissed how Taehyung made Yoongi seem like he was only after his money.

"I did say you're probably richer than I am! If that wasn't a huge factor I don't know what is!" Taehyung said just as pissed, standing up to stand in front of Jin.

"You're such a fucking idiot sometimes! He isn't interested in me because of my wealth he likes me that's why! It's not my fault that he didn't pick you!"

"But you-"

Before they could continue, Namjoon went in between them, pretty sure that this would end up in an huge fight if he now didn't stop them.

"Okay stop this now. We don't need to fight now, he's already having his heat and suffering. Once it's over we're gonna.. Talk about this, okay?" Namjoon asked, the two nodding but still glaring at each other.

"Don't get upset Jin.. Remember, keep calm. You don't want Jungkook to now see you fight Taehyung, right?" Namjoon quietly said, rubbing the males back and looking at Jungkook who was sitting a bit tense on the couch.

The week was in Jins and Jungkooks eyes a bit of a mess.
Jimin tried his best to help, bringing in food and some water, though avoided Yoongi as much as he could.

Whines, whimpers and small moans. It all kept Jin and Jungkook up at night.

At the end of the week they looked so done, Jungkook being half asleep as he tried to take orders from some customers, mostly just having Yoongi in his mind and how bad he wanted to help, though knowing damn well he couldn't because of his own morals.

Jin also was having to fight daily with himself to not just go for it, really keeping the goal in his mind of their first time when Yoongi would be in the right mindset.

However what did worry Jin a bit was that Yoongi didn't eat much. Understandable in his state but it still was concerning in jins eyes.

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