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"He's so weird lately"



"He's always weird" Taehyung shrugged, though Jimin gave him an unsure look.

"But he's especially weird since Monday.. Isn't his rut about to start soon?"

".. Is it?" Taehyung now questioned, not sure himself since he didn't keep really track of most of their ruts apart from his own.

"Yeah I think so.. I think it's overdue already. If I looked at the calender correctly he should've gotten it by Sunday or something.." jimin now spoke looking up at Taehyung who grabbed himself some water out if the fridge.

"Hes young. That's not uncommon. My rut sometimes is a bit late as well or starts sooner."

".. Really? So nearly one week overdue isn't that bad?"

"Who's overdue?" Jin asked as he walked in, making himself a coffee as he waited for an answer.

"Kook." Taehyung hummed pretty chill whilst Jin now stopped and looked back at them before immediately looking at the calender and mumbling something incorrect as he noticed it as well.

"I swear to god that darn kid.. No wonder that he keeps staring at Yoongi like that if his rut is already due."

"Have you seen him yesterday.. The whole time, just staring at him as if checking him out. If I was Yoongi I wouldn't be sure if I'd feel appreciated or creeped out." Jimin smiled a little snatching the water out of Taehyungs hands to take a sip as well.

"Neither." Yoongi simply spoke as he walked in, having overheard their small conversation.

"Hm? Neither? Then what does it feel like?" Jin asked a bit curious, all eyes now on Yoongi who grabbed himself a snack.

"Pretty normal. You all stare at me, at this point I'm not really bothered by it anymore and am used to it." Yoongi shrugged and then was about to take something out of the fridge when Taehyung pushed the fridge door back close.

"So you wouldn't mind it now if I'd keep staring at you?" a grin on the alphas lips, Yoongi taking a step back and frowning a bit after Taehyung blocked his way to the fridge.

"I wouldn't. But I do mind right now that you're in my way."

"Heard that? Get out of his sight Tae!" Jimin chuckled, looking at the offended alpha who then put his eyes on the alpha who walked in, a jacket being thrown on jimin.

"Jiminie hurry up! We got that stupid interview today" Hoseok reminded, Jimin immediately jumping up as he remembered and following Hoseok outside.

"Where's Joon?" Yoongi asked after a while as he finally Was able to eat his snack, Jin watching the omega and moving to lean on the counter besides him.

"He's in his room. His rut is about to start soon.. Hoseoks as well as far as I know.. But he's gonna attend that interview and then go right back home."

"So much going on.. Namjoons rut, Hoseoks rut.. Jungkooks possible rut. Darn, that's gonna be a fun week without them." Taehyung grinned as if happy that he didn't have to share Yoongi with that many people in that week.

"Don't be too happy, that means we gotta take care of them, I still got to work in the coffee shop, Jimin is busy as well and Yoongi also still has to go to work and I'm sure you also have to work and we have to do all the chores, therefore I don't think we got too much time on our hands for your small imaginations." Jin reminded, crushing Taehyungs fantasies that the week would be chill and just relaxing with Yoongi.

"I need a vacation.." A small mumble could be heard of a defeated Taehyung, Yoongi trying his best not to smile as the scene was a bit funny how dramatic Taehyung was.

His small smile however dying down as Taehyung looked at him and out of spite grabbed the sandwich out of his hands to eat it himself.

"Ey! That's mine!"

"Your own fault for laughing at me!"

"I wasn't laughing!"

"It's alright, I'll make you a new one baby." Jin hummed, stealing a peck off yoongis lips who now couldn't complain much and only nodded his head.

"Why does he get a peck that easily? You nearly slapped me yesterday when I tried to kiss you in the car!" Taehyung complained, slumping down in one of the chairs.

"Because Jin is nice to me and you tried to kiss me yesterday while I was half asleep and just wanted to take a nap on the way back!"

".. Still unfair.."

And just to fuck Taehyung a bit more off, Jin now wrapped his arms around Yoongi to peck his lips once again and pull the omega closer towards himself.

"seems like you're not as smooth as you think you are Taehyung.. Aren't I'm right baby? How about another kiss hm~?" A small hum from Jin who looked down to the omega.

"You're not smooth either if that's what you're implying." Yoongi now said and pushed a hand over jins mouth to stop the male from anything and instead turn around to walk off, leaving both Jin and Taehyung speechless.

"Well that worked out well.." Taehyung mumbled, laying his head on the table Jin leaning against the counter and letting out a small sigh.

Hell did they love that omega, even if he could be harsh. Exactly that treatment was what got them so whipped for Yoongi however.

"Are you in there? Hyung? Can I come insi-"

"psssssss quiet" Jin could be heard, carefully walking out of the room to look at Jungkook.

"Jungkook it's 11pm what do you want from him? He's already asleep."

"Ah sorry. I just wanted to check on him.."

A suspicious stare from Jin who kept looking at the younger alpha, moving an arm around his shoulder to pull Jungkook with him to his room.

"Kook do me the favor and stay inside your room for tonight and tomorrow.. Your rut is due soon and I'm not in the mood to fight you to get off Yoongi." Jin explained and then pat the younger shoulder.

"Huh? But I don't think my rut is gonna-"

"Trust me, this night or tomorrow morning. I'm pretty sure about it."

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