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"Yoongi.. Yoongi~ baby wake up"

That was what Yoongi usually woke up to, mostly followed by some kisses on his face or his neck.

That day however, alsbolutely nothing.

Nobody woke him up and there he slept until 9am, slowly opening his eyes and realizing that he was alone inside the room.

A look at the clock and the omega stood up to slump inside the kitchen only to look a bit irritated at Taehyung who kept quickly shoving some cereal in his mouth whilst also preparing more food, probably for the other alphas.

"Can I get-"

"Oh Yoongi! Good timing. Can you help me with this for a second? I've gotta go soon."

"Go..? Eh sure." Yoongi mumbled, helping Taehyung prepare the food who then pushed a kiss on the omegas cheek as a thank you before heading off to take care of the three alphas in their rut.

After 10 minutes a breathless Jin suddenly standing inside the kitchen and looking around for something, eyes on the table to grab some keys he seemed to have forgotten.

"Once you're ready come to the coffee shop love! See you later." A small apologetic smile and a kiss on Yoongis forehead and the alpha also left him.

Hell was this weird.
Jimin at work, Taehyung just having left and Jin now also leaving again.

Sitting alone inside the kitchen and  eventually starting to get ready, just putting on something comfortable.

To Sum the whole week up.

A lot of work. A stressed out Jin and Taehyung, Jimin mostly being not seen and heard of and Yoongi who tried to help wherever he could even if the alphas sometimes seemed against him doing so much.

A Thursday night, Yoongi on the couch, just waiting for Jin, Jimin or Taehyung to come back home when two arms suddenly snuck around him.

"Gosh did I miss you~ Is Jiminie still out?"

A small nod and Hoseok who sat down pulling Yoongi closer towards him.

"You look a bit tired.. Has the week been alright?" The alpha asked, cupping Yoongis face who gave a small unsure nod.

"It was okay.. A lot to do without three of you.."

"I see.. So not a lot of time on your hands hm? That's gonna change now. Joon probablys gonna be out of his room tomorrow as well and Jungkook hopefully too."

Just another small nod and Hoseok who kept cuddling the omega who seemed a bit worn out by the whole week.

"Hoseok..? Are you-"

"No no no, don't." Hoseok quietly said and then looked a bit obvious to Yoongi who was cuddled up against him already pretty much asleep.

Taehyung giving a small nod and sitting down on the other side to get comfortable on the couch as well.

1 Hour and Jin and Jimin walked in together only to then quietly stare at the three who slept on the couch.

A morning that once again started a bit off.

Yoongi waking up to Taehyung who laid half on him and Hoseok who was having a tight grip on his waist.

"Ugh.. Fuck me.." a small groan from the omega who rubbed his eyes still half asleep, trying to stand up and get away from the two, finally escaping and looking around if someone else was awake.

His search stopping when a room door opened and a pretty tired looking Namjoon walked past him seemingly not even realizing the omega.

A peek inside Namjoons room and Yoongi had to widen his eyes at the smell that hit him like a truck.

Too strong for God's sake. Too much as if slapping him in his face.

Pushing the door back close and walking towards a window to quickly open it and breath in some fresh air.

".. What's going on here?" Jimin asked a bit irritated as he looked at Yoongi who had his head hung out of the window and Namjoon who just came out of the bathroom, looking just as clueless.


"Yeah.. Sorry.. I'm good" Yoongi hummed, leaning back to finally look at them.

As much as Yoongi wanted to get closer to namjoon he wasn't in the mood to be hit with such a scent again.

"Alright.. Well I'm gonna clean up a bit and then join you two again." Namjoon hummed, Jimin nodding and pulling Yoongi along towards the kitchen.

"But I'm not hungry yet.."

"You're not?" Jimin asked a but surprised, wrapping his arms around the omega and pushing a kiss on his cheek.

"I'm still gonna make breakfast for us. Perhaps you're hungry once I'm done."

In fact Yoongi had been hungry, but after that smell he somehow didn't feel like eating anymore.

Namjoon walking in as well after a while, Yoongi pretty much staring at him as he smelt that darn scent still on Namjoon.

Keeping a nice distance to him, even when the alpha tried to get closer to him.

"No.. Joon let go.."

"I haven't seen you in one whole week, come-on let me at least get a hug or something."

"Nah I'm good."

A frustrated looking namjoon now who kept creeping closer towards the omega who kept trying to escape out of his grip, whilst Jimin was busy making breakfast and eventually getting pulled out of the kitchen by Taehyung who insisted on showing him something.

"Hey hey! Hands off him now!" A loud voice that caught their attention, Hoseok pulling Yoongi out of Namjoons grip and putting the omega down on the counter.

"Why did you-"

"Your scent is way too strong. Take a damn shower Joon, if it still doesn't wear off at least keep your distance to him!" Hoseok now said, rubbing Yoongis back a bit as if to try and relax him.

The two alphas staring at each other, Namjoon looking a bit sceptical and smelling his clothes a bit unsure.
He hadn't had realized himself how strong his scent still was after smelling like that for a whole week and having been used to it by now.

Jin walking inside and standing a bit lost inside the doorway as he tried to understand what was going on.

"You're feeling fine, right Yoongs?" Hoseok asked again to be sure, Yoongi just slowly nodding his head and then looking at Jin who seemed to immediately look a bit worried at him.

"What happened? You're good?"

"Joons scent is still too strong for him.. I don't want his heat to get triggered now. We don't wanna mess up your cycle baby, that would be troubling" Hoseok hummed, poking Yoongis cheek who then got picked up by Jin.

So there he was, being taken care of by Jin who finally had time, babied by most of them like usually.

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